Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Urban Planning Urban Design
Urban Planning Urban Design Urban Planning Urban Design Unique The impact of over abuse of nature assets by human and furthermore absence of attention to great arranging and structure in the urban areas makes numerous issues numerous urban communities on the planet. That is the reason it was essential to have great arranging framework in the city and furthermore to try the arranging with the structure of the city itself. Urban arranging is a blend of arranging in physical (like streets, maps and land use plan) yet in addition it is managing nonphysical arranging like guideline, approaches in the city or territorial levels. Besides urban plans are additionally concentrating on the specialty of making places; this incorporates the manner in which spots work and matters, for example, network wellbeing. The combination between these two fields is that urban organizers are additionally concentrating on the capacity of the city overall, and the urban fashioners will attempt to decipher it in the structure of the city. One of the principle components in urban arranging and urban structure is green open space. The last is the locale or ground surface region which is ruled by plants that are elevated to a specific living space assurance capacities. Green open space has numerous different capacities which fluctuate from social, efficient and natural viewpoints. One of the better approaches to improve the green open space and save it is by executing savvy development. The last is one of the investigates that have been led in USA to move toward a supportable advancement in America. These explores have delivered ten standards of effective network from all aspects of the world. The standards in brilliant development are viewed as genuine guides to be additionally actualized in different nations. Moreover, the utilization of the shrewd development standards needs to confine these standards with respect to the nation condition, culture and enactment. When all is said in done, the comprehension of the qualities of various sorts of open spaces in a urban and provincial network may manage specialists (neighborhood and nation) in the drawn out arranging process. The evaluation of progress in green open space framework is similarly critical to take quantifies in keeping up bearable nations and urban areas. Likewise arranging and planning for a green open space are significant in advancing the advancement of any nation. URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN (Green open space) Since the presence of mankind, arranging was among the primary issues to manage; this is so in light of the fact that arranging encourages him to compose his exercises and to foresee his future. It is based on this that urban communities have additionally been placed into account in arranging. Be that as it may, as the human culture is growing up, this improvement is carrying a few issues to our earth since there is over misuse of the world assets. Because of this over misuse of the earth, common assets; and other mal-human exercises (financial, for example, contamination and waste issues, lose of natures protection, biodiversity, environment and green combined with the rise and risks of environmental change, a worldwide temperature alteration and its negative ramifications on living quality as of late and in future to the entire world, there is a developing enthusiasm for manageability, maintainable turn of events and its joining into plans of various types. Notwithstanding this issues of a worldwide temperature alteration, investigates have demonstrated that green open space can be one of the arrangements of that issue. Green open space has impact on microclimates. Trees and planting can bring about the decrease of pinnacle summer temperatures by up to 5â ° Celsius. In this way, trees can be remembered for the Citys road scene structures at every possible opportunity, to give shade and cooling and therefore decrease an unnatural weather change (City of London, 2009). Basing on the above stated, we discovered critical to talk about urban structure and urban arranging: Green Open Space. Association BETWEEN URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN As indicated by Peter Hall, 2002, the action word ‘to plan and the thing ‘planning and organizer, have in reality just the subsequent general gathering of implications: they do allude to the specialty of drawing up a physical arrangement or configuration on paper. They can mean either ‘either ‘to organize the pieces of or ‘to understand the accomplishment of ‘or all the more enigmatically, to ‘intend. The most well-known importance of arranging includes both the initial two of these components; arranging is worried about intentionally accomplishing a few destinations and it continues by gathering activities into some efficient grouping. It is based on this that Gallion and Eisner, 1993, characterized urban arranging as an endeavor to make a deliberate advancement in urban territories and diminish social clashes and financial conditions that would jeopardize the lives and property. Then again, urban structure is about how to recover sure of the (characteristics which we experience just as those we see) that we partner with the conventional city: a feeling of request, spot, and progression, lavishness of experience, fulfillment and having a place. Urban structure lies somewhere close to the expansive brush deliberations of arranging and the solid points of interest of design. (Cowan, 1997). As should be obvious it through the definitions, there are a few similitudes and contrasts between these two subjects. However, the above definition can be summed up as follows (see the table beneath): From this table, urban arranging has a job to ensure that a city is working and working admirably that is the reason urban and provincial arranging is concentrating on different issues, for example, practical, social and natural issues while, urban plan is additionally concentrating on aesthetical qualities like feeling of spot, building character, person on foot structure and structure of open space. Moreover, once in a while urban organizers can turn out to be smaller scale like urban fashioners. They can make a few structures of the urban areas which is the fundamental assignment of urban fashioners. In vengeance urban fashioners can make arrangements for approaches and rules. Since urban arranging and urban plan are extremely wide, we discovered critical to talk about green open space as a center point. GREEN OPEN SPACE Green Open Space is the district or ground surface zone which is overwhelmed by plants that are elevated to a specific living space assurance capacities, and/or offices neighborhood/city, and/or organize security foundation, and/or horticultural development. (Directorate General of Spatial Planning, Indonesia Ministry of Public Works, 2007). These days, the idea open space in complex grid isn't constrained distinctly to the urban park and jam yet in addition non park-non common spots. Open spaces, for example, lanes, school yards, outside game edifices, graveyards, and open squares are significant green open spaces (Hall, 1998). Why plan and structure for green open space? The way toward getting everybody together to consider network needs is beneficial undertaking in itself. A urban open space plan is considerably more than a land procurement plan. It can make a wide assortment of suggestions about the eventual fate of a nation. In this way, we need to get ready for a green open space in light of the fact that:  · A green open space plan is the other side of an improvement plan. In the wake of recognizing significant green open spaces, it will be considerably more clear where advancement ought to happen.  · It suggests land use guidelines that will assist with shielding the network from uneconomic and wasteful spread. (Division of Environmental Conservation , California, 2004) It is therefore that it is fundamental for urban organizers to decide the capacity of green open space so as to expand its worth, (for example, water preservation, wetland territory, city lungs). At the point when you talk regarding why plan and structure for green open space, it is basic to take a gander at the size and levels of green open space. Green Open Space (size and level) It exists two kinds of green open space: country open space and urban open space. Country open space is made of living space, entertainment, wellbeing/security (flooding/seismic), horticulture/rangelands, waterway and stream expressways while urban open space is comprised by amusement, trails and turnpikes, stream and trench passages, regular assets and open space (Department of Environmental Conservation, California, 2004). Be that as it may, it is too hard to even consider determining a universal size of green open space by various levels in light of the fact that each nation has its strategies, own physical qualities and culture however we have a model from United Kingdom which can be a best practice. The United Kingdom Accessible Natural Green Space Standard (ANGS) referenced that:  · No individual should live in excess of 300 m from their closest zone of normal green space of at any rate two (2) hectares in size;  · There is arrangement of in any event two (2) hectares of Local Nature Reserve per 1,000 populace;  · That there ought to be in any event one open 20 ha site inside two (2) km from home  · That there should be one available 100 ha site inside five (5) km;  · That there should be one open 500 ha site inside (10) km. We can not just talk about the size and levels of green open space in urban arranging and urban structure, we need additionally to perceive the elements of green open space in light of the fact that the last are constantly gotten ready for specific purposes. Capacity of Green open space Green open spaces are crucial piece of scenes with its own particular arrangement of capacity. Open spaces (normal or artificial) add to the personal satisfaction from various perspectives (Burke and Ewan, 1999). Close to significant ecological advantages, (for example, improvement of the nature of air, soil and water, diminishing of clamor levels, decrease of warm sufficiency varieties, insurance against the breezes, squander Management, improvement of the penetration and seepage of tempest water, decrease of flood hazards), these zones offer social mental types of assistance, (for example, Recreation and Leisure, Increasing physical and Psychological prosperity, Sociability) which are basic for the decency of the city and prosperity of urbanites (Chiesura, 2004). Thompson
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Education and its Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Training and its Methods - Assignment Example This paper will take a gander at the distinctions in the taking in procedures from a week ago. A humanist methodology that considers just the capability of the individual all in all may on occasion be deluding and inconvenient to the procedure of advancement of a youngster. In principle, each feature of the youngster experiences a change while a humanist model of training is trailed by the instructors or the teachers (Smith, 2003). Nonetheless, this isn't correct. That is, it may not follow while the hypothesis is being converted into training. This may prompt issues whereby a part of a youngster that necessities particular consideration is kept separate from the procedure of instruction or isn't given satisfactory consideration. Humanist training is additionally difficult to execute at a strategic level. In underdeveloped nations and even on certain first world nations, it is absurd to expect to suit numerous youngsters inside a system that gives a totally humanist type of training. Subsequently, it is important to temper any type of instruction that is taken with the positives of the others. In this specific situation, it might be a smart thought to depict a couple of subtleties of the cognitivist school of learning hypothesis. As per scholars who have faith in the intensity of this type of learning, it is critical to create in students the capacities to structure their own brain in such a way, that it would be simpler for them to comprehend the new occasions and realities that are given to them. In a specific course of time, they will achieve the vital capacities to see new realities all alone. This method of learning relies upon introducing in an individual the mechanical assembly for additional learning (Mergel, 1998). A joining of these frameworks may prompt intricacies whereby the best in both may not be used and the negatives of both might be taught in it. There may, be that as it may, on the more brilliant side, likewise build up a framework that has t he positives of both. This framework might have the option to give specific regard for the issue of kids and furthermore build up their specific abilities while additionally creating them all in all. While giving kids only hypothetical models that don't communicate, one risks missing out on spurring the kid. Setting the kid inside a framework where there is no adjustment in the states of learning may prompt the kid not feeling a feeling of aspiration which is fundamental for the improvement of a mentality that is helpful for the gathering of realities. Persuading a kid to make such an attitude is incredibly fundamental for their further turn of events. This advancement needs to have a strong premise and this can continue from a comprehension of one’s qualities and shortcomings, the two of which may then be evaluated by the cognitivist and the humanist schools of learning hypothesis. This can then likewise be attached to the part of self-guideline that should be a piece of the training of a youngster. This guideline can continue from a comprehension of one’s gifts and needs when confronted with the world. This needs a comprehension of the world and one’s situation in it and furthermore information on one’s gifts that might be put at the administration of the world. This would then be able to be utilized for a guideline of the way in which training is led. The organic bases of learning and memory additionally should be considered while taking a gander at techniques for conferring training to kids. The age of the
City Life vs Country Life
Today the city life is increasingly distressing, constantly, anyway the individuals who were brought up in the nation are going to the city, yet which is better? It rely upon the preferences and necessities of that specific individual, the person may just be in the city since they can discover considerably more amusement and offices. In the mean time the country?s advantage comprises on the quiet and unwinding that it offers to us. For this and more reasons these two spots are totally extraordinary. To begin the contrast between these two spots is the nature. In the nation everything is normal; there are not really any structures, up to now making it hard to crush the environment and contaminate the pleasant sumptuous air. In the city then again, it is hard to see a ton if any trees or a timberland region, a reality is that we can see a great deal of structures, smear, and contaminations. Thus, common zones are diminished, something that truly influences our biological system, in the most frightful way. I’d take the nation in this point quickly and twice on Sunday. Another distinction is the separation between places. In the nation individuals are accustomed to strolling to go here and there over significant distance, which is acceptable in light of the fact that it is an extraordinary sound advantage, likewise in the nation roads turned parking lots don't exist. So in the event that you needed to drive anyplace it’ll take you 30 minutes rather than the 3 hours in the city. As a result of the 5:00 busy time in the city, wherein as I would see it isn't amusing to be in trust me I’ve had a considerable amount of them. Again the nation takes the cake. The following distinction is the way of life. In the nation, individuals can have a more beneficial way of life. Due to the cultivating, and there is an extremely quiet spot and individuals have all the more loosening up circumstances. Anyway in the city individuals are consistently in a rush hurrying here and there. No one has whenever to do anything any longer. All things considered any of these alternatives to live can be the best as per individuals' arrangements; likewise it relies upon the thoughts and occupations of everybody. On the off chance that they need to unwind and let torment simply liquefy away the nation is the best approach. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they incline toward a busier timetable and more assortment on amusement, the city regardless of how wrecked it is the thing for you. City Life versus Country Life Today the city life is increasingly upsetting, constantly, anyway the individuals who were brought up in the nation are going to the city, however which is better? It rely upon the preferences and necessities of that specific individual, the individual in question may just be in the city since they can discover considerably more amusement and offices. In the mean time the country?s advantage comprises on the quiet and unwinding that it offers to us. For this and more reasons these two spots are totally extraordinary. To begin the contrast between these two spots is the nature. In the nation everything is normal; there are not really any structures, up to now making it hard to wreck the biological system and dirty the decent extravagant air. In the city then again, it is hard to see a great deal if any trees or a woodland zone, a reality is that we can see a ton of structures, smirch, and contaminations. Accordingly, normal zones are diminished, something that truly influences our biological system, in the most abominable way. I’d take the nation in this point quickly and twice on Sunday. Another distinction is the separation between places. In the nation individuals are accustomed to strolling to go all around over significant distance, which is acceptable on the grounds that it is an incredible solid advantage, likewise in the nation congested driving conditions don't exist. So on the off chance that you needed to drive anyplace it’ll take you 30 minutes rather than the 3 hours in the city. In view of the 5:00 busy time in the city, in which as I would like to think isn't amusing to be in trust me I’ve had a considerable amount of them. Again the nation takes the cake. The following distinction is the way of life. In the nation, individuals can have a more beneficial way of life. On account of the cultivating, and there is an extremely quiet spot and individuals have all the more loosening up circumstances. Anyway in the city individuals are consistently in a rush hurrying here and there. No one has whenever to do anything any longer. By the by any of these alternatives to live can be the best as per individuals' arrangements; likewise it relies upon the thoughts and employments of everybody. On the off chance that they need to unwind and let torment simply liquefy away the nation is the best approach. In any case, on the off chance that they favor a busier calendar and more assortment on diversion, the city regardless of how wrecked it is the thing for you.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Coursework Example Impartial appropriation of salary Protecting their economy’s condition The request for significance of the destinations fluctuates for various economies because of their various governments and organizations. Most economies would consider swelling as the most significant target where as different economies with a progressively communist methodology would concentrate on impartial appropriation of pay and decreasing joblessness. One of the contentions governments may confront is the tradeoff between expansion, business and GDP development. At the point when joblessness will in general fall in a monetary lift and a solid GDP, the economy may confront high expansion rates, both interest pull and cost-push and the influence of cash to purchase likewise called the buying power equality falls. This may really have counter impact than what it ought to have, that is, sure, because of an ascent in GDP. Any approaches that control expansion may likewise bring down the business rate, in t his way accomplishing one target, yet clashing the other. The economy may likewise encounter collapse, which is negative expansion and which again brings down the business rate, and raises the joblessness rate. At that point there is the contention between the targets of financial development and natural insurance. With an end goal to move the creation boondocks outwards, governments may need to renounce the way that they are squeezing the effectively rare assets, and really may bring down the expectations for everyday comforts which are destinations in practically all economies and may likewise drain the rare assets in their push to develop. They may likewise compromise the manageability of the earth for a long time into the future. The third clash is between monetary development and swelling. Rising interest for products and enterprises may build the cost of yield as well as the cost on sources of info, for example, crude materials, vitality costs and wages. Thus this would prompt expanding swelling, and at times hyperinflation. China and India in 2010 confronted this sort of quickening expansion. Higher paces of expansion are additionally inconvenient to monetary development since they influence benefits, organizations and employments. Financing costs control the high paces of expansion and high loan costs really value the money and negatively affect sends out since they become costly on the worldwide market and their interest falls hence negatively affecting the development pace of the economy. The last clash is between equalization of installments and financial development. A higher GDP is accomplished when buyer request is generally high. Furthermore, this normally prompts an exacerbating of the parity of exchange particularly if the peripheral affinity to exchange is high. (Mankiw, 2000) Lastly, the advancement of the parity of installment circumstance can really help development in the economy, particularly by trades, yet may make another goal come up short, that is, it may prompt interest pull expansion in specific cases. (Mankiw, 2000) Governments likewise have direct command more than two of the economy’s macroeconomic approaches: financial and fiscal strategies. Financial approaches manage the economy’s spending plan and are overseen by the Legislative and Executive parts of the legislature. Money related arrangements are directed by the national bank of the economy or the Federal Reserve. Monetary approach is a methods by which government controls the economy by altering its spending and the assessment rate. When the
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Gun Control
Gun Control Banning the Use of Guns Nov 20, 2018 in Persuasive Essay Pros of Banning Guns Today, I will focus on the controversial topic of banning the use guns. Over the years, the issue has been surrounded by many controversies where some people support the banning of guns while others oppose it. The prohibition of guns has pros and cons, but I will discuss the pros of banning guns. There are many pros of banning guns than the cons. Most of the gun massacres that take place use legal guns and those people that are licensed use guns for the wrong reasons. For example, in the United States about 30 years ago, three-quarters of the guns used to kill were obtained legally. The killers or drug dealers use the guns to defend themselves from arrest by the police officers. They also kill people who can give evidence in court about their dealings. The advocates of the pro-gun control are of the view that tougher gun laws should be enacted to prevent these crimes. In support of the idea, I propose that, the authorities in charge of guns should look at the past criminal records of the person before issuing a gun license. Those with a previous history of criminal activities should not qualify to own guns. In addition, a person who owns a gun should be held liable for all the activities carried out using the weapon. This will discourage people from obtaining licenses.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Children Support Agency Case Study - Free Essay Example
Children Support Agency Case Study Introduction The use and potential benefit to system developers is examined by use of the Semiotic Framework method in the case study information supplied regarding the Children Support Agency (CSA). Analysis of Semiotic Framework The framework as described by Kangassalo et al (1995) (1) refers to the work of Stamper (1987) (2) as it applies to information systems, and distinguishes the four levels of properties as empirics, syntactic, semantics, and pragmatics. This is likened to a semiotic ladder running from the physical world to the social (business) world. The semiotic framework consists of two main components, these being the human information functions and the IT platform considerations. These are both split to three sub-components. Social World, developer actives would be: To determine how best to match the negative responses of some staff to new technology with the high expectations of others, by designing a system which takes account of both To ensure the legal aspects such as compliance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) (2) are addressed. To ensure contractual information is protected in transmission. To meet the cultural standards held by those who work in an organisation whose purpose is to support disadvantaged young people. Issues are: Lack of computer literacy among some CSA staff, its status as a charity will probably restrict funding available for the system, feelings of protection for financial data versus lack of (apparent) concern voiced about personal data of vulnerable young people. The wish to accommodate training in IT for young people, without concern that this may lead to opportunities for any who have anti-social tendencies to affect the overall operation of the system by having access. The lack of realisation that todays young people in the age range 12 to 24, whether from a deprived or difficult family background may be conversant with the use of computers. _________________________ 1. Kangassalo et al, (1995), p 358. 2. Stamper et al, (1987), p 43-78. 3. Data Protection Act 1998. Pragmatics, developer activities would be: To attempt resolution between conflicting attitudes in conversation which were expressed about the value of the system, and consider capital and revenue funding for the new system. Issues are: To determine how the system would be supported, and responsibility for the support. Semantics, developer activities would be: To attempt to model the syntactic structures, which are by nature, the technical concerns, to the semantic which concern the world are matched, in a machine-independent manner. Issues are: Security concerns, which are people-related, with system issues, which are software dependent. Syntactics, developer activities would be: The formalisation of documentation of the system specification, and outline the programming requirements. This is the bridge between the conceptual and the formal rules governing system development. Issues are: The documentation may only be understood by the IT people who create the system Empirics, developer activities would be: To estimate the number of data fields required, their volume, the speed with which they require to be transmitted, and the overall performance as perceived by the user. Issues are: Limited information available, combined with inability of potential users to express these attributes. Physical World developer activities would be: To analyse of existing systems, networks, hardware and software. Estimation of storage and retention of data requirements, physical condition of room housing system equipment and communications, power supply, entrance restrictions to sensitive areas, policy on removal of media from buildings, printout handling, access by young people to IT equipment. Issues are: Replacement of existing communication links, introduction of encrypted traffic, offsite storage of backups, disaster recovery, software licences, fire detection and suppression, volumes of data transmitted and stored. To separate young peoples IT equipment. System requirements specification Hass et al (2007) (4) explains requirements analysis and specification as the activities involved in assessing information gathered from the organisation involved regarding the business need and scope of the desired solution. The specification is the representation of the requirements in the form of diagrams and structured text documents. Tan (2005) (5) describes the use of a rich picture as ‘a structural as opposed to a ‘pictorial description. It allows the practitioners to use any form of familiar symbols to depict activities and events, plus taking into consideration, conflicting views. The definition of a use case (Seffah et al 1999) (6) is a simplified, abstract, generalised use case that captures the intentions of a user in a technology and implementation independent manner. Use case modelling is today one of the most widely used software engineering techniques to specify user requirements. Dittrich et al, (2002) (7) suggest a new approach to developmen t they term ‘systems development as networking. They go on to suggest the key questions to ask is ‘How do systems developers recruit and mobilise enough allies to forge a network that will bring out and support the use of the system. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is described by Arrington and Rayhan (2003) (8) as a method, employing use case and activity diagrams for requirements gathering. They state that use case serves as a view of the overall use of the system, allowing both developers and stakeholders to navigate the documented requirements. _________________________ 4. Tan (2005), p67. 5. Seffah et al (1999), p21 6. Dittrich et al, (2002), p 311. 7. Arrington and Rayhan, (2003), p28. 8. Hass et al, (2007), p 4. Rich Picture People Activities Current system Future system Use Case Diagram See Appendix A Primary Scenario The likely outcome when the project specification is delivered is that the funding body will agree to the bid, but subject to some changes, which will reduce the overall cost. This will involve a degree of compromise in the design of the new system. Suggestions may be made to re-enter the Excel data and to delay the phasing out of the financial system. This would mean a phased project with an all-encompassing solution left to a later stage. The impact may be additional effort on the part of CSA staff. The system needs to be delivered in phases, with core functionality first. The successful delivery of core components will assist acceptance. A key component is the security of information stored and transmitted, as much of it is of a sensitive, personal nature. The protection of information will require conforming to the requirements of the DPA (1). Due to the number of area offices, with few staff, the data repository will require to be centralised, probably at HQ. This is for simplification of backups, which will require to be weekly full, stored offsite, and daily incremental with the last day stored on site. Communications between HQ and branches requires to be encrypted, and e-mail will require protected Internet access. Anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing and spam filtering software will be required, and a firewall introduced between the Internet-facing component and the main system. Rigid field input will be required to avoid erroneous numbers or characters. Menus will be restricted to selected functions and denied to others, and Admin level (privileged) control will be able to access all menus. The training for IT clients will need to be on a separate network segment from the main systems. Compatibility between the existing financial system and the new system will need to be established, and the system will require the capability to import Excel data. The system will be required to replace the functionali ty of the Excel data. Questions Developer questions to CSA staff: How much funding is available for the proposed system and who are the stakeholders? What facilities for computer systems exist at HQ: power, space, fire suppression, telecoms, operating staff, storage required, and records retained? Who will support the new system when delivered? What configuration does the finance system have: hardware, operating system, application software, network links, storage, number of users, support? Will staff time be available for training? Will only CSA staff use the new system and will they use it from home? Will there be allocation of CSA staff for user acceptance? Discussion of requirements analysis tools The usefulness of the semiotic framework is that it offers the system developer an insight into the attitudes and feelings of people who will use the proposed system. This aids the developer, in that he/she is more likely to pay attention to the human-computer interface (HCI) aspects of the system. This should, if properly delivered, make the new system easier to use, and consequently, be received with more enthusiasm, than might otherwise be the case. A key message that core aspects should be delivered first, rather than the full functionality required, may win more converts than might otherwise be the case. Also revealed by the use of the Semiotic Framework was the attitude of some of the staff, who sees the requirement for the new system as superfluous to their ‘real work, and consequently wish no contact with it as they are too ‘busy. This helps the developer, as it brings home the need for the employment of techniques to make the system simple to use and not forbidding in terms of error messages to may produce due to inexperience. What the round of interviews in the case study revealed was some conflicting attitudes among CSA staff. A key example was mention of the need for protection of financial information, but the requirement to protect personal data of clients of the CSA, some of whom may have criminal records, was not mentioned. Given that failure to protect this type of information could lead to more harm to the individual than any help they may receive from the CSA, this is cause for concern, and seems to indicate that some of the CSA staff have lost sight of the organisations mission in life. The interview process resulting in the case study report produced a lack of vital information any system developer would require to produce a workable system. Basic items were not uncovered. As an example there is no information on number of users, estimates of amount of data to be stored, how long it is to be retained, and wha t kind of systems are in use at the moment. The availability of capital and revenue information was not discovered, and it may well be that the funding will be dependent upon the proposed design in terms of capital and revenue costs to operate. The use of rich picture and case diagram illuminates the overall view of the required system, allowing the developer and the recipients of the system to see the whole picture and gain a better understanding of the likely finished product. It also simplifies the dependencies and collaboration required in a pictorial from which makes the ‘big picture easier to understand. The importance of the Semiotic Framework is that it helps shed light on areas which the developer, using traditional systems development methodologies, may neglect. It concentrates the mind on the human-computer interface required, and influences the design attributes which need to be built in, in order to gain user acceptability. Taking the step-wise approach down through the levels, brings home to the systems developer, the need to start with the social needs, which focuses on the human aspirations (or not) of the proposed system. Working through the Pragmatics is very revealing of the contradicting attitudes of the potential users in conversation, and should lead to the developer making compromises between technical elegance in the design and being able to obtain a favourable reaction from at least a majority of the eventual users. The scope of the system required to be developed has not been revealed during the case study, which impedes the ability of the developer to estimate size and nature of the hardware or software required. The Syntactic level assists the design in that it forces concentration on the logical handling of data input, with system response to incorrect entry, being handled not with abrupt error messages, but more friendly advice messages and suggestions on data re-entry. This tracks back to the importance o f human reaction learnt from the Social Word level. The software chosen should be influenced by the Pragmatics influence in that the choice should reflect the fact that the CSA is a charity, and both hardware and applications should be in the affordable range for an institution dependent upon charitable funding. The Empirics portion of the framework should include the estimation of required system performance, speed of telecommunications, volume of data to be stored, and response times of the system. In the CSA case study there is no information which can be used to project such requirements, so the developer would be required to utilise an educated guess, based only on the existing finance system, which could be measured, or practical experience. Some of the required information may be gathered by contact with whichever vendor delivered the existing finance system. The framework also draws attention to peripheral items, such as the Excel spreadsheet, which may well contai n valuable data, not subject to strict input criteria, and possibly not backed up. The Physical World portion of the framework focuses the developers mind on what will be acceptable to the users in terms of speed of response, the time and effort potentially to be saved, and the type of reporting of information capabilities of the system. It emphasises that there needs to be demonstrable benefits in the way of management information, and therefore capability to respond, which would otherwise have been unavailable. From a system developers point of view, this is probably the section he/she would feel most comfortable with, as it consists of tangibles, which can be translated into MIPS, baud rated, gigabytes, and other terms which IT developers are expected to be completely conversant with. Probably the most difficult aspect of the framework for the developer is the Semantics level. The reason for this is that it tends towards the abstract, and system developers as a breed , operate mostly in a practical, exact, measureable fashion. They act as a translator between the business requirements as expressed by the stakeholders and eventual users, and the technical people who deliver code, hardware and communications to realise the stated needs. The developer has to perform a balancing act between what is sometimes conflicting requirements and technical possibilities. This required the ability to converse with, and understand, both participants in the overall project to deliver the required system. The use of the Semiotic Framework leads the developer to address these issues and attempt to develop a clear understanding of the CSA business activities, as opposed to trying to force fit them into a prejudged idea of the system. The developer may reflect that the application of the Semiotic Framework forces undue attention on the people-related aspects of system engineering, to the detriment of a design which embodies good technical practice and the n ecessary protective aspects required complying with any legal implications. Against this, the aim of developers to attain elegance and efficiency in design may be meaningless to the users of the system, whose main concerns are to assist in the capture of information, its ease of retrieval and the management information it can produce. In short, how it can help improve the users work practices and make life easier for them. References Arrington, C.T., Rayhan, S.H., (2003), Enterprise Java with ULM, Second Edition, Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indiana, USA, p28. Clarke,S., Elayne, (2003), Socio-technical and human cognition elements of information systems, Idea Group Inc, p 8. GOOD Diagram. The Data Protection Act Available from: Hass, K.B., et al, (2007), Getting it Right, Management Concepts, p 4. Kangassalo, H.,et al, (1995), Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, IOS Press, p 358. Seffah, A. et al, (2005), Human-Centered Software Engineering –Integrating Usability in the Software, Springer, p 21. Stamper, al, (1987, Critical Issues in Information Systems research, Wiley, Chichester, p 47-78. Tan, J.K., (2005), E-health Care Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons, p 67. Tipton, H.F., Krause, M., (2007), Information Security Management Handbook, Edition 6, CRC Press, p1290-186-587
Sunday, May 24, 2020
This Literary Piece - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1055 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Did you like this example? The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman is a short story of a young woman’s journal entries, who is seemingly mentally unstable. She shows symptoms of anxiety, depression, and â€Å"hysteria†. The narrator’s name is not definitive but is alluded to being Jane and for the sake of clarity in this essay, she will be mentioned as such. John, her husband, is a physician and believes she just needs to rest to be cured; he rents a mansion for 3 months in the summertime and puts her in the nursery. This literary piece is also known to be an early work of feminist literature. Themes exhibited in this short story include female oppression, insanity, naturalism, and modernism. In its time, this was also considered a horror story, but later it was reviled as a feminist work. This story is considered a work of naturalism but often brings to light some modernism qualities. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "This Literary Piece" essay for you Create order This text portrays naturalism quite clearly; Jane, as the wife, completely lacks free agency. While the husband, John, has complete agency. Jane’s environment is controlled by exterior powers and she cannot do anything about it. We also â€Å"discover the human by stripping away from civilization†(1890-1900 ppt). The wife in the story is controlled by fate because of her supposed mental illness, which if she is truly mentally ill, is a biological factor. Men had authority over woman at this point. Due to the futility of these unpleasant circumstances, she begins to focus on objects rather than her declining mental state. Jane writes in her journal that â€Å"I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulusâ€â€but John says the very worst thing I can do is think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad (Gilman, 4).†Jane believes if she were allowed to have outside contact, she would not be going mad. She notes that she cannot control her condition nor her environment which makes this a naturalist work. She projects her supposed mental instability onto the yellow wallpaper, rather than to keep it in her mind. John tells her not to think of her condition. This, of course, makes her feel worse when she does think of it because of how brainwashed she is by John. Jane believes that there is a woman in the wallpaper, but I believe it is her mind creating an image of the woman she wants to be. Jane, â€Å"[has] watched her sometimes away off in the open country, creeping as fast as a cloud shadow in a high wind (45).†The woman she sees is free to do what she wants. Jane fancies this woman because she has something she doesn’t: freedom. Creating this symbol in the story is key to show how men in this era oppressed women. Jane develops an obsession with the nurseries wallpaper. The nursery room is old, unkempt, and located in the top of the mansion. The windows in the room are barred, which gives it a prison-like quality. The wallpaper â€Å"color is repellant almost revolting a smoldering unclean yellow strangely faded by the slow turning sunlight†(8, Gilman). Being locked inside a room and forced to stare at the wallpaper, for her only real stimulus throughout the day, has caused her to start to go insane. John believes her to be hysterical and forces her to remain in the room. She begins to believe the wallpaper is alive, seeing movement and eyes. Jane claims to her husband that she sees women in the wallpaper. She believes that she has become one of the many women she now sees in the wallpaper. John, forbids his wife to leave the home due to her illness and states that all she needs to do is rest. This is an allusion to how the women of this era were allowed to do very little. This short story also displays characteristics of modernism, as it was written at the beginning of this literary era. Jane is alienated by society due to her husband, environment, and mind. This is partly because John believes she is not sick. Instead, he thinks she needs to rest so he locks her in an attic of his mansion. Jane struggles with anxieties which are manifested from her supposed mental illness and the subsequent â€Å"house arrest†she is placed under. Since Jane was sick, she felt her existence to be meaningless. Jane wants to find meaning in her life. She feels â€Å"that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do [her] good†(Gilman, 3). Jane is trapped inside her mind as well as an attic with no signs of escaping. Of course, this would drive any person to go mad! We must ask ourselves, as readers, if she was truly mentally unwell, to begin with or if the circumstances her husband placed her under have made her become mentally ill. In this era, science was known as fragments of the truth and ‘relative’. Since science was distrusted and Jane suffered from a â€Å"mental illness†, there was no explanation for her thoughts and actions. This made it impossible for her to get better. Jane’s husband and brother, who were both physicians, did not believe she had a mental illness. â€Å"My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing†(Gilman, 3). Mental illness was unknown, and society believed you were just â€Å"crazy†. At the end of the story, Jane still insists that there are women in the paper. She runs to the room and locks the door. While John tries to break in, she tells him exactly where the key is and simultaneously rips down the wallpaper. John finally breaks into the room and she says to him, Ive got out at lastAnd Ive pulled off most of the paper, so you cant put me back! The husband faints, even though she thought he should not and was â€Å"right across my path by the wall so that I had to creep over him every time!†(55, Gilman). John does not recognize the severity of the illness that he has created. Her hallucinations manifest in the situation he has created for her and he realizes he no longer has control over her. She feels no longer trapped and can now thrive as a young woman.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Importance Of Big Data With Computer Networks - 729 Words
When Big Data meets Computer Networks , designing and managing the IT infrastructure become a non-trivial and a challenging task . Over the past few years , the increasing traffic volumes and the greater emphasis on network reliability , scalability and speed led to the rise of new networking trends such as Cloud Computing . However , the size and the scope of the networks continue to increase tremendously which increase the complexity and the difficulty of computer networks management . As we know , the configuration task is still executed according to individual protocols and configuration interfaces which make it very laborious and slow . Moreover , The Proliferation of manufacturers and the non-feasibility of eradicating legacy†¦show more content†¦In addition to the network devices heterogeneity , the recent specifications of OpenFlow specify more than 40 fields in a forwarding rule header . Hence , adapting the packet processing pipeline to one of the data plane elements is a non-trivial task. On the other hand , designing a packet classification scheme is not only constrained by the hardware architecture but also by the frequent changes in the network state . That is to say , the packet classification should always guarantee the end-users applications requirements in terms of traffic priority , bandwidth and latency . Within this context, we conducted our graduation project . We make use in this work of packet processing challenges in regards with OpenFlow/SDN requirements to build a framework for an optimal packet classification . Our framework pre-processes OpenFlow rules by investigating the relation between rules and then generates a packet classification schemes which are aware of the underlying hardware architecture and also network services priorities . Added to that , the framework communicates with the target physical platform in order to map the computed classification structure and place the the OpenFlow rules . \newline We tested our Framework by evaluating the performances of two backends : a hardware-based switch and a software-based switch. The remainder of this report is structured as follows. In Chapter 1, we willShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Open And Open Source Software1614 Words  | 7 Pagesinternal and external attack vectors; it can also stem from lack of knowledge. Free and open source software offer significate benefits to an organization, which can also pose a risk that can allow attackers to gain access to vital information on the network server. Many security professionals use open source software to fast-track transport of digital content. Open source application has many drawbacks, the fact that public source application is free for anyone to use and possible alter. 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It is the general where the points from A to B are connected or conjoined together and can access the internet without fear of contradiction. This connection is the oldest and secure way even before the other tunneling protocols came to be to boost the security involved in data sharing and communication. SSTP Secure socket tunnelingRead MoreComputer Networks And Its Impact On The Organization s Business Strategy1230 Words  | 5 PagesComputer networks allow for employees within an organization to share files and exchange ideas more efficiently. Also, computer networks make it easier to back up all the company’s data on an offsite server. Computer networking supports business operations and contributes immensely to globalization. Therefore, organizations invest heavily in computer networks ensuring they work efficiently. This paper discusses ten points to consider when evaluating a computer network. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Racism - 1317 Words
Is America Racist? As a privileged white female in the United States, I don’t personally deal with any racism. But millions of Americans are impacted by racism on a daily basis. They are exposed to ignorant slurs and racial violence constantly. Some people say that not everyone is America is racist. That America as a whole is accepting and welcoming. If so, why did we elect a president whose immigration policies will limit entry of millions of non-white people into our country? How is it that black teens can’t walk down the street without the fear of getting harassed? How is that we, as Americans, still don’t accept everyone? People in this country have been exposed to racism for too long. It has moved from one person to another†¦show more content†¦Douglass, a former slave, himself writes,â€Å"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave†(Douglass ). If slaves were educated, the slaveowners were concerned that they would be able t o gain power.This lack of education continued a cycle of poverty that black people suffer from today. Even though slavery was abolished in 1865, racism continued to flourish. Even after slavery was abolished, segregation was the law of the land. Considered dirty and untrustworthy, black people were seen as the lesser race. They were forced to live in separate neighborhoods and attend separate schools, churches, and even hospitals. Separate entrances, bathrooms, and water fountains became a routine part of daily life in America into the 1960s. They had no voting rights and a legal system that was biased against them. Emmet Till was 14 years old when he was brutally murdered by two white men after Till wolf whistled at a white lady. Although testimonies from eyewitnesses identified them as the murderers, they were acquitted because they were white and Till black. There is no question in my mind that if Till was white, the killers would haveI been convicted. But since Emmet Till was b lack, his death considered inconsequential. During the 60s, the policies of segregation were beginning to give unravel. Black people were given the right to vote. Schools, neighborhoods,Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Racism1138 Words  | 5 Pages It was during the first week of INT that I started to feel more in depth with the racism and its different terms. We talked in detail on intent, reverse racism, and white supremacy after watching few videos for each matter. It turned out that there are deeper meaning and context to these terms than the mere definition. A number of cases regarding intent have suggested that it’s solely up to someone’s motives if they are being racist or not. For instance, we talked in class about this one teacherRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1654 Words  | 7 Pageshas still not been accomplished. People get judged on their skin color and many other things all the time and it isn’t right. Not everybody of the same race, or religion, or sexual orientation are all the same. Racism is a horrible, horrible thing that many people in America experience. Racism and slavery go back many, many years ago. All the way back starting in the 17th century. Since then we have had the Trail of Tears during President Jackson’s presidency when he threw the Native Americans off theirRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1271 Words  | 6 Pagesthe options to chose our race. Yet we are still being ridiculed from what we are born with. Racism is one of many elements that in the United States of Americ a affects our society. However, there is a hidden problem that promotes racism. It is the fact that a lot of people try to make themselves believe that racism doesn t exist. But unfortunately, it still does. Everyone knows about the problem of racism but don t realize that they are supporting the problem by discriminating against other peopleRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism701 Words  | 3 PagesRacism Racism is an issue in America that has been growing, Martin Luther King was a famous black citizen for his bravery of black people as equals. We can respond to and eradicate racism only through a peaceful stand for the love for humanity. The call of Pope Francis to take â€Å" a clear stand for creative and active nonviolence and against all forms of violence†echoes the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of a nation without racism. Inspired by Dr. King’s concept of a creative and constructiveRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism882 Words  | 4 Pagesword to me, eventually I have come to understand her intentions during that week. Little did I know that this would not be the last time I would endure a situation like this. ‘Subtle Racism’ in America is common in society. It can come from all sides, and can have as deep an effect as blatant racism. Subtle racism to me is shown from someone who may not consider themselves to be racist, and may see themselves as a supporter of all ethnicities, but expresses certain behaviors and phrases that canRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1018 Words  | 5 Pagesit s working at 7/11, always smelling like curry, or mocking us with our thick accents. Stereotypes have always been around, they have been used to make some funny jokes, but others have used it personally and criticize people with it. That is why racism is a big problem in this world with people using stereotypes to verbally attack people, thinking those things are true for every race and not getting to know people before judging them. My friends always turn to these jokes when they want to makeRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1926 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferent culture or has different skin color? Racism is the major issues today and it still exists in our schools, works, and society. Racism at the workplace is responsible for continuous mood changes, aggressive behavior, and have a bad feeling in the minds of the affected persons. This turn bad for the employer and the society. Everyone has right to do something so why do people become races. Today it was better than years ago but still, racism exists in the United States and other countriesRead MorePersuasive Essay Racism1958 Words  | 8 Pagesloose. We learned about racism in the past, but in 2013, but we never thought we would experience it. Racism is discrimination or discrimination against another race , from one that believes that their race is superior. One of the biggest debates in America is whether or not racism exist. Racism is still present in America because America has an unlawful justice system for minorities, President Trump is causing racial tensions, and the media is racially bias. There is still racism present in AmericaRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1752 Words  | 8 PagesRacism is contagious to this society. It has been a growing concern in the United States for many decades now, however, no major improvements are made by any political officials in reducing it. Many individuals of color are treated unfairly just because they are of pigment. Not too long ago, many individuals in the African American communities sparked out in outrage when individuals such as Michael Brown and much more were racially profiled by were brutally attacked by the law enforcers. Racism doesRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racism1839 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout America, racism is a very prominent topic that affects thousands of American’s. Although racism has been fought for many of years in America, Americans find themselves still talking about the social divide. The subject of racism is all over the news and has even made it’s way to America’s game, fo otball. The kneeling during the national anthem has been a very big controversy that many American’s are furious about. However, for black Americans, it is an outcry that should be heard. Many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Informative Speech About Transgender - 1407 Words
INTRODUCTION Transgender individuals will be people whose sex characters don t relate to their organic sex, and along these lines they contrast from the generalization of how men and ladies ordinarily are. Transgender does exclude sexual introduction or physical sex attributes, but rather is in truth a less clinical term which relates to sex character and sex expression. Hence transgender individuals incorporate those individuals whose personality and conduct don t stick to the clichà © sexual orientation standards. They might be gay, transsexual, transvestite, or sex eccentric. Since the get-go and the presence of humanity, transgender have been particularly a piece of the general public. It is quite recently that they have been given a†¦show more content†¦The idea of a privilege to lawful sex acknowledgment as it were, that everybody ought to have the capacity to have records set apart with the sex with which they recognize has just as of late picked up footing. Numerous nations don t enable individuals to change the sexual orientation assignment on their records by any stretch of the imagination. Others set stringent conditions for the individuals who wish to do as such. Truant lawful acknowledgment in the sexual orientation with which they distinguish, each crossroads of everyday life when archives are asked for or appearance is examined ends up plainly loaded with potential for brutality and embarrassment. In parts of South Asia, activists have battled for acknowledgment of a third sexual orientation class. A Nepal s Supreme Court decided in 2007 that the administration must perceive a third sex in light of a person s self-feeling. Similar improvements followed in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. In spots where Tran’s individuals extremely personalities are criminalized, a future in which they might be legitimately perceived appears to be distant. However it is absolutely the abuse they confront that loans direness to the battle for legitimate sexual orientation acknowledgment. It highlights that states ought not to be in the matter of directing sexual orientation personalities. Perceiving individuals self-recognized sexual orientation does not oblige governments to recognize any new or unique rights;Show MoreRelatedThe Internet Is Not The Best Place For A Woman Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesYet, due to global abuse, people are often left alone or ignored as they struggle to define themselves. As a result, Everyday Feminism hopes to put an end to this by supporting individuals and groups who share their ideas of peace. Top 10 Most Informative Feminist Sites Clapway FeminismIn addition, the site itself is an educational method for social and personal liberation. Since launching in 2012, Everyday Feminism has rapidly become one the more popular feminist sites in the world. Almost 4.5 millionRead MoreGoing Into Diversity I Wasn t For Sure How The Class Would Go1693 Words  | 7 Pagesstate and not the deep south, I did not thinking going into this class, people would be as open minded about the subject as I am. By no means is Missouri, as progressive as say Washington or California, but I do believe we are a few steps ahead of the south. When I first met my roommates they, would use terms in conversation that I would never ever use. I was explaining to my friend’s mom about how they would use certain terms. She was clearly astonished, she had not heard those terms used thatRead MoreSocial And Cultural Diversity : Beyond Racism3572 Words  | 15 PagesReverse discrimination is a claim th at occurs when a member or members of a majority are discriminated against on the basis of a protected factor, such as race or gender. Seems like it is my situation regarding race, but, the article goes on more about reverse discrimination against programs in employment. So, is it based on social factors or is it just pertaining to government programs in employment? I say both. There are also biases within the cultures of people of color against other cultures
Waiting for Godot Major Themes Free Essays
Ralph Waldo Emerson, famous literary writer, once inscribed, â€Å"Much of human life is lost in waiting†(Richardson, 24). Individuals cannot escape the waiting in daily life even if they wished so. Waiting is inscribed into society, from waiting for a bus ride, beverages at a favourite coffee house, items to be checked out at a grocery store or simply, arriving to a location too early for an occasion to occur. We will write a custom essay sample on Waiting for Godot Major Themes or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Samuel Beckett’s legendary play Waiting for Godot, the main characters Estragon and Vladimir obsess about waiting for the mysterious individual Godot to arrive. From this waiting, scholars have created many literary analysis of the play the most persuasive being political, religious and existentialist in nature. The Cold War took place over decades, beginning in 1947 and concluding in 1991. The word cold is not only used in the title of this war, but also inscribed deeply into it. The war did not feature guns, bullets and soldiers, instead the war was fought aloofly between communist countries in things like sport events, propaganda and technological opposition. The Cold War appears as a metaphor for many scholars in Waiting for Godot. The characters hold a lot of emotion but never seem to really do anything with it, except discuss it at length. More than once the word nothing is used. There is often â€Å"nothing to do†(Beckett, 13) and â€Å"nothing to show†(Beckett, 4) and the character’s world stays the same. Scholars also point to the play as being Marxist in nature. Godot is the Capitalist full of power and who separates himself from the working class, the other characters are the working class, without personal purpose or goals. Pozzo and Lucky serve as an example of the Marxism analysis as well, Pozzo illustrating that to the Capitalist to labour. â€Å"Pozzo is blind to what is happening around him and Lucky is mute to protest his treatment†(Hutching, 68) serves as evidence of this relationship. Political interpretations abound in this play as do religious ones. The character in which the play focuses on yet never makes an actual appearance is Godot. It is imperative for the religious examination of the play to note that the root word of Godot is God. Perhaps this is what spun the belief that Godot is a representation of God. Religious references are apparent in the play right from the beginning. Estragon asks Vladimir what he wishes from Godot and offers as a suggestion in his probing â€Å"A kind of prayer? †to which Vladimir replies â€Å"Precisely†(Beckett, 14). Estragon and Vladimir discuss religion and specific bible passages during their wait. For example, they speak about a biblical reference of two thieves. â€Å"Our Saviour. Two thieves. One is supposed to †¦ have been saved and the other . . . he searches for the contrary of saved) . . . damned†Vladimir states and when Estragon asks what the thief is saved from, Vladimir responds â€Å"Hell†(Beckett, 64). It is interesting to note that in the bible passage, both thieves are saved from hell and like the thieves, Estragon and Vladimir wish to be saved from what Estragon later claims is â€Å"hell†(Beckett, 89). God and Godot also share a physical attribute; both have beards. Lucky states that Godot has a â€Å"white beard†(Beckett, 43) and later, the character of the boy offers that Godot also has a beard. Beckett frequently disappeared â€Å"into a trance†(Knowlson, 401) when writing and many followers of the religious analysis have accepted this as evidence that Beckett was unaware of his attentions, thus influenced by a â€Å"higher power†(Knowlson, 232). Strong appointments to this are those who see the play as Existentialist in nature. Existentialism, as defined by Oxford English Dictionary is, â€Å"The individual’s unique position as a self-determining agent responsible for the authenticity of his or her choices. †The central idea of existentialism is that humans are accountable for designing, implementing and adhering to their own destiny. Thus, destiny is not God made, it is person made. Estragon and Vladimir have decided to stay in the dreary physical setting of isolation and containment. Estragon seems to offer readers a deeper thought process then his quiet and reliant friend Vladimir. Vladimir states, â€Å"All I know is that the hours are long, †¦ under these conditions, and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which – how shall I say – which may at first sight seem reasonable, until they become a habit†¦ you follow my reasoning? †(Beckett, 91). This quote is powerful, suggesting that filling one’s day with actions just to pass time such as removing a boot as Estragon did, is suitable for a short period but unacceptable for a long course of time. Although he states this, Vladimir does not leave the scene. Pozzo and Lucky, two of the three only people Estragon and Vladimir have contact with, have a slave and master relationship, but neither chooses to step outside this, instead the two characters grow deeply dependant on one another. Vladimir and Estragon go as far as to contemplate suicide, but do not proceed to do so. Thus, all the characters in Waiting for Godot, could live an altered life, with enhanced opportunities, but choose to stay frozen in the dark. under these conditions, and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which – how shall I say – which may at first sight seem reasonable, until they become a habit. You may say it is to prevent our reason from foundering. No doubt. But has it not long been straying in the night without end of the abyssal depths? Academics have long linked Waiting for Godot and Beckett himself, to the existential movement. The greatest argument followers of the theory have is that Beckett never discloses Godot being a symbol of God, instead, he greatly declined the claim stating â€Å"that if by Godot I had meant God I would [have] said God, and not Godot†(Knowlson, 412). â€Å"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse type of suffering†, Paulo Coelho, celebrated Brazilian author wrote. The internal and external suffering which Estragon and Vladimir seem spellbound in is dreadful yet alluring in the same instant. Dreadful because the characters and audience wait for relief and alluring because they are enticed about what could be but is not. The waiting in Waiting for Godot has long stood as a secrecy requiring solving and the theories of politics, existentialism and religion offer convincing analyses to this literary puzzle. No one but Beckett himself and perhaps not even him, comprehend the genuine significance of this play, thus, like Estragon and Vladimir, scholars and audiences alike are caught waiting for a conclusion that may never arrive. How to cite Waiting for Godot Major Themes, Essay examples
Management Contributes Towards Maximizing Profits
Question: Discuss about the Performance Management Contributes Towards Maximizing Profits. Answer: Introduction Currently, organizations present a high degree of dedication towards the reinforcement of reward system, which are aligned with other HRM practices used to attract, retain and motivate employees (Cook, 2009). Efficient performance management practices helps in attracting result driven workers who can succeed and thrive in the performance based working environment (Johnson, 2006). Hence, performance management is a crucial business strategy to motivate the employees and make the workers contribute their available talent to enhance the productivity of the firm, if implemented effectively. Hence, a question arises that how does performance management contribute towards maximizing profit. The study has been developed to answer the question by arguing the best way to implement performance management system within the operations of the firm to maximize profit. A critical evaluation of the performance management issues have been presented along with the impact of performance management on the organization. Finally, the paper presents an argument on the ways in which performance management contributes towards maximizing profit in an organization. Critical Evaluation of issues in Performance Management In the contemporary business environment, performance management can be identified as the order of the day. Performance management is a significant process to assess the efficiency and productivity level of the subordinates attached to the organisation. Precisely, the ultimate objective of performance management will be to increase the potential efficiency of the target employees so that the firm can make more profitable deals (Brown, 2016). There are a number of tasks included in performance management such as defining latest business actions, monitoring the performance standards of the viable activities, and investigating the leading measures to meet the outcome of the firm. Moreover, there are some issues in performance management to be discussed herein below: Lack of Reliability: Performance Management System (PMS) has been created on the basis of trusting relationship between managers and subordinates. In the most of the cases, lack of reliability towards the supervisors may lead to a poor outcome of the performance management metrics as employees are reluctant to follow the metrics. Meanwhile, inexperienced management, biasness of the managers, and poor communication skills of the supervisors can lead to a lack of credibility (Gliddon, 2014). As a result of the scenario, employees are skipped the PMS without making substantial efforts. Lack of Consistency: Lack of uniformity from the supervisors side may lead to ineffective PMS. Most of the occasion, inconsistent feedback from the managers and supervisors can create confusion among the employees. Therefore, employees are started to distrust the outcome of the PMS. Such inconsistent communication can backfire on the ultimate objective of the firm as employees will reluctant to be engaged in a substantial way (Khan, 2010). Lack of Proper Objective: Decisively, lack of clear objectives in the PMS will reduce the efforts of the subordinates. A well-developed PMS must clearly specify the goals and objectives for the employees establishing communication (Cohen, 2013). For instance, PMS must deliver significant targets to the employees to be achieved. If targets are not set correctly, the productivity, as well as profitability of the company, will be reduced. Lack of Comprehensible Strategy: Lack of precise strategy can hamper an organisation to achieve the goals that have been defined through PMS. Most importantly, some of the entrepreneur businesses have found it difficult to provide significant guidance and targets to be reached. Therefore, lack of comprehensive strategy can be identified as one of the biggest challenges in performance management. Impact of Performance Management on an organization Performance management can be termed as one of the fundamentals in developing significant HRM practices and policies leading to organisational success. A well-structured performance management system can connect the organisational target and objective with the performance standards of the employees. Precisely, effective performance management theories will stimulate the workforce to put the best effort for firms success (Carmeli, 2008). By setting challenging goals and objectives through PMS, the management will encourage the subordinates to apply the repertoire of knowledge and skills. By applying control theory, the management of an enterprise can influence the behaviour of the subordinates through positive feedbacks. Moreover, the feedbacks will help out the subordinates to make any alteration in the performance standards to meet the requirement. Precisely, such performance management theory will turn the employees to be engaged with the firm (Kourti, 2017). In this way, the loyalty of the subordinates will be enhanced. As a result of the consequences, efforts from the employees will increase the profitability and earnings of the firm. Alternatively, the social cognitive theory has influenced the self-efficiency standards of the employees. By increasing the self-belief of the subordinates, performance management can deliver strengths to the employees to make a positive impact. Moreover, expectancy theory of performance management has delivered high-level o motivation to the target audience to achieve the objective in terms of reward (Denton, 2006). Such performance management theory changes the motivational behaviour of the target subordinates to expect a reward on the basis of performance. Instrumentally, such concept of reward will motivate the team to put the best effort at the workplace. Understandably, performance management will lead to employee motivation, employee engagement and employee retention at the highest level. By offering the motivation, the productivity of the workforce will be increased at a substantial order. Therefore, performance management leads to motivation while motivation leads to output (Gliddon, 2014). Clearly, performance management has inspired the employees to achieve the target so that the profitability of the firm will be magnified. Motivational behaviour change of the employees will ultimately increase the business potentials and profitability, to say the least (Mone London, 2014). Broadly speaking, performance management has utilised the opportunities of motivating employees to make a positive impact on sales and profitability of the firm. Argument and Discussion After creating a reliable source of performance management information, a clear picture can be drawn about the value adding factors of the firm that can be communicated to every individual in the value chain of the business. The productivity of the organization relies on its workforce. The employees perform well when they are acknowledged about the results of the work performed by them (Li, 2016). The performance management system provides the workers with an ability to act on the information to generate a greater value and a measurable and clear stake in the future results. In the earlier period, it was difficult to measure the performance of the local decision makers and compensate their actual contributions (Li, 2016). Information was not available for verifying the work and performance of the workers. But, with the development of information system and implementation of technology in the performance management system, the reliability, validity and accuracy of information has improved to actually compensate the workers for their job (Jeong Choi, 2015). Hence, performance management has emerged to be an effective motivation tool for the management of a large organization. It is important to note that profit maximizes by doing better work. In other words, enhancement of the productivity is the key to increase the profitability of the firm. There are several organizations that use the performance measurement approaches to improve the compensation models (Li, 2016). Furthermore, when an individual has a better understanding of the organizations goals and has trusted information to use the available resources in the best way, they can enhance their overall contribution to the organization to make more profit. An effective performance management system motivates every individual in the organization to get keenly vested in the operations of the firm (Jeong Choi, 2015). The performance management system is the ultimate way of dividing the functions of a large company into small ones by providing power and information to every contributor to act as a small owner of the firm and work for the best interest of both the company and themselves (Jeong Choi, 2015). According to the above discussion, performance management helps to maximize the efficiency of the operations. On the other hand, knowledge can be best used when it is driven into the operations of the firm, when individuals are empowered to act motivationally and have personal interest in the final results (Mone London, 2014). The development of information technology in performance management has helped to vest the employees with knowledge, while governing the operations of the business. Hence, performance management can be identified as the key factor for motivating the employees and enhance their productivity to maximize profit. Conclusion By considering the above discussions, performance management is the key to motivate the employees. It acts as a medium to inform the workers regarding the goals and objectives of the firm. On the other hand, performance management helps to evaluate the current performance gaps to develop new strategy to improve the productivity. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the compensation packages aligned with the performance evaluation processes can be helpful in making the employees take interest in the operations of the firm for the benefit of the firm as well as themselves. Conclusively, performance management is the key to enhance productivity that finally leads to maximization of profit. References Brown, M. (2016). Designing effective performance systems.Performance,26(3), 14-18. Carmeli, A. (2008). Top Management Team Behavioral Integration and the Performance of Service Organizations.Group Organization Management. Cohen, C. (2013).Business Intelligence(1st ed.). London: Wiley. Cook, S. (2009).The effective manager(1st ed.). Ely, Cambridgeshire, U.K.: IT Governance Pub. Denton, D. (2006). Using intranets to make virtual teams effective.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,12(7/8), 253-257. Gliddon, D. (2014). Effective performance management systems current criticisms and new ideas for employee evaluation.Performance Improvement,43(9), 27-34. Jeong, D. Choi, M. (2015). The impact of high-performance work systems on firm performance: The moderating effects of the human resource functions influence.Journal Of Management Organization,22(03), 328-348. Johnson, R. (2006).Effective performance management(1st ed.). Victoria, B.C.: Trafford. Khan, S. (2010). Impact of Authentic Leaders on Organization Performance.International Journal Of Business And Management,5(12). Kourti, I. (2017). Effective performance management of inter-organisational collaborations through the construction of multiple identities.International Journal Of Business Performance Management,18(2), 236. Li, P. (2016). The impact of the top management teams knowledge and experience on strategic decisions and performance.Journal Of Management Organization, 1-20. Mone, E. London, M. (2014).Employee Engagement Through Effective Performance Management(1st ed.). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Frankenstein Essay Topics For Your College Class
Frankenstein Essay Topics For Your College ClassIf you are looking for creative writing courses to get started in your career, you will most likely want to look into Frankenstein essay topics. These topics are easy to write and would be perfect for someone who has never written a thesis paper before.These Frankenstein essay topics usually revolve around a famous, flawed or misunderstood figure. In the case of this quote, it may center around Frankenstein. The essay can be a science fiction tale about a man who decided to create life and ended up creating something much more gruesome than he intended. Another Frankenstein essay topic may involve a story about a serial killer who was obsessed with creating life.There is nothing quite like reading the word beast. It is one thing to read about a young girl or a young boy's fascination with the word beast but it is quite another thing to see that fascination embodied through a creature, animal or living thing. This Frankenstein essay topi c may revolve around a scientist who might have had a major effect on the creation of this beast or a single person who was in need of redemption due to what they did to a creature.It is fun to see how different people interpret history in their own way and the story might start from the original world of yesteryear to the more modern day setting. This Frankenstein essay topic would also include the struggle to make a living as a child or teenager, however you could go further in terms of adding some true stories.Frankenstein essay topics can come in all shapes and sizes. You can either use the monster himself or portray him in an entirely different light to the creature. For example, if you wanted to change the perspective of the monster, the creature itself can be changed in order to portray an entirely different side of the story.Once you have written up the Frankenstein essay topic, you can move onto the big question which is going to be the subject of the entire paper. Often ti mes these questions will center around how the monster influenced the world around him and whether the monster is a hero or villain. You can even explore if the monster ever did good or bad in the eyes of the public.Frankenstein essay topics are fun to write and many people find it rewarding. If you are not sure where to start, ask your school librarian or your local library and they should be able to help you out. If you are just starting out in college, they may be able to offer you some help.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Black Death Essay Research Paper subject free essay sample
Black Death Essay, Research Paper capable = History rubric = The Tragedy of the Black Death documents = Imagine yourself entirely on a street corner, coughing up bloody mucose each clip you exhale. You are panting for a full breath of air, but recognizing that is non possible, you give up your battle to remain alive. You # 8217 ; rhenium thought, why is this go oning to me? That is how the victims of the Black Death felt. The Black Death had many different effects on the people of the Middle Ages. To understand the badness of this tragic epidemic you must recognize a few things about the pestilence. You should cognize what the Black Death is, the cause of the pestilence, the symptoms, the different effects it had on the people, and the bars and remedies for the pestilence. The Black Death, besides known as the Black Plague or the Bubonic Plague, which struck in 1349, and once more in 1361-62, ravaged all of Europe to the extent of conveying ghastly decease to many people of the Middle Ages. The Black Death struck in 1349, and once more in 1361-62, but was restricted merely to Europe ( Rowse 29 ) . It was a combination of bubonic, septicaemic, and pneumonic pestilence strains ( Gottfried xiii ) that started in the E and worked its manner West, but neer left its native place. One of the things that made the plague one of the worst was that there were eruptions about every ten old ages ( Rowse 29 ) , but still restricted to Europe. It is thought that one 3rd to one half could hold perchance died by the pestilence ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) , with some towns of a decease rate of up to 30 or 40 per centum ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . Very few who were infected with the pestilence really survived more than one month after having the disease ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . The Black Death was an unbelievable event that effecte vitamin D everyone on either a physical or emotional degree, or both. The Black Death was more awful, and killed more people than any war in history ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . The pestilence was so atrocious and terrorizing that people said it made all other catastrophes in the Middle Ages seems mild when comparing it to the Black Death ( Gies 191 ) . There have been many differences over what caused the Black Death, but merely one is supported with the most grounds. It is thought that on October of 1347, a Genovese fleet made its manner into a seaport in northeast Sicily with a crew that had # 8220 ; illness cleaving to their really bones # 8221 ; ( Gottfried xiii ) . The illness this crew had was non brought by work forces, but the rats and fleas aboard the ship. The seaport tried to command the illness by trying to quarantine the fleet, but it was excessively late ( Gottfried xiii ) . Within six months of the moorage of that really fleet, half of the part had either fled the state, or died. That fleet, along with many other fleets along the Mediterranean Sea brought the greatest natural catastrophe to the universe ( Gottfried xiii ) . The infested rat, called the black ship rat, was carried in the luggage of merchandisers on board the ships going all over the Mediterranean ( Norwich 30 ) . They didn # 8217 ; t cognize it, but it was the people that really spread the disease across the land. The pestilence spread in a great discharge across Europe, get downing in the E in the Mediterranean Sea, and stoping up in north-west Germany ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . It is unbelievable that the pestilence hit Europe several times, but still no 1 understood neither the causes nor the interventions of the epidemic ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . There was another cause that some people strongly believed brought the disease into their universe. Doctors at the University of Paris claimed that on March 20, 1345, at one O # 8217 ; clock in the afternoon, a concurrence of three higher planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars caused a corruptness of the environing air, which made the air become toxicant or toxic ( Gottfried 110 ) . This is a extremely improbable theory unless you are coming from a footing of Astrology. Another account of the pestilence that scientists gave was environmental factors. These scientists idea that there were many temblors that caused toxic exhausts to come from the centre of the Earth ( Gottfried 110 ) , which, once more, brought contaminated air for the people. Certain historiographers have wondered if the pestilence could have been caused by overpopulation of the continent, but they are non wholly convinced ( Hoyt and Chodorow 632 ) . Some people, perchance out of despair, turned their force on the Jews and blamed them for the cause of the pestilence ( St rayer and Munro 463 ) . Whatever the cause was, you could state from looking in a individuals eyes that, # 8221 ; above every individual hung the panic of the Black Death # 8221 ; ( Strayer and Munro 476 ) . Although the Black Death was one of the largest epidemics of all time recorded, it did non hold many seeable symptoms. The existent symptoms varied in different parts of the continent. The most ordinary symptoms were black tumours or furuncles on your cervix, and the coughing up of blood ( Zenger ) . One thing about coughing up blood that made the pestilence even worse, was that when you coughed up blood, everyone in the room was susceptible to the disease ( Zenger ) . This is because when the individual coughed up the blood, the bacteriums went airborne and infected the individual of the closest propinquity ( Zenger ) . This allowed the pestilence to distribute more rapidly and easy. The Black Death had more than merely physical effects, but more extended effects over the class of 25 old ages. Such as physical effects, societal and spiritual effects, economic effects, agricultural and commercial effects, effects on architecture, and effects on the hereafter. For two coevalss after the pestilence, there was about no addition in the population of Europe ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) , while the remainder of the universe increased in population. After the pestilence had passed, Europe seemed to endure from a instance of corporate shell-shock ( Strayer and Munro 463 ) , this made it look like all of Europe was hit by a deathly stun gun, but the stun neer wore off. What scared the people, was that the Black Death killed more people than a hostile ground forces and gave its victims no opportunity to contend back ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . The Black Death had many different societal and spiritual effects on the common people of Europe. Some people dreaded the clip when the pestilence would come, and some people merely sat back, Ate, drank, and were merry merely as though they had neer heard of the pestilence ( Strayer and Munro 463 ) . Although all the people suffered, the provincials suffered the most. This is because they lived in such insanitary conditions and had the least attention. In many topographic points whole small towns of provincials were wiped out wholly ( Hartman 235 ) , and in less than one month. The Black Death, along with seven other pestilences and diseases of the Middle Ages, was considered contagious ( Durant 1002 ) . Because they were contagious, a victim of any pestilence or disease was forbidden to come in a metropolis unless under separation ( Durant 1002 ) . Many people really thought that the Black Death was a penalty to society because they were wicked ( Hoyt and Chodorow 596 ) , and because they did non atone for their wickednesss. Although the people withstood many effects, the societal effects were certainly less dramatic ( Rowse 29 ) . For non merely were the people struck in many ways, but they were besides astounded, terrified, and bewildered of this close animal lurking in every topographic point they go ( Gottfried xiii ) . Some people think that the pestilence contributed to the moral decomposition of European society ( Strayer and Munro 462 ) . Many people sat around and faced the fact that they would finally be taken in by the pestilence, and some tried to make something about it, sacredly. Many people, spiritual or non, tried to take safety in Godly patterns. Some tried easing their scruples through # 8220 ; exaggerated repentances # 8221 ; ( Strayer and Munro 463 ) , or others doubled their devotednesss and encouraged resurgences ( Strayer and Munro ) . Varied people # 8220 ; filled their Black Marias with intolerable anguish about the Sorrows of Mary and the agonies of Christ, # 8221 ; yet these same people filled with anguish flocked to executings and tore each other apart in their frequent civil wars ( Strayer and Munro 463 ) . Almost all people thought they would populate through the pestilence if they gave into the rush of spiritual craze. Since people were deceasing left and right, it should be expected that there would be a lessening in available labour. So now there are half as many provincials to make the work, and the same sum of Fieldss. This amounted to excessively much work to make, and small provincials to make the work ( Hartman 235 ) . This would evidently non work out. Everything was being ruined, overrun, or neglected because of this sudden, but expected deficit of workers ( Hartman 235 ) . The provincials saw this go oning and they knew they could have something good out of this. The labourers besides saw that they were on demand, and so they demanded higher rewards ( Hartman 235 ) . Now that rewards rose, monetary values rose along with it ( Hoyt and Chodorow 635 ) . The mortality rate of the part non merely produced a labour deficit, but a sudden addition in the income per capita ( Hoyt and Chodorow 635 ) . When the pestilence had ended, half of the workers on the estates of the Lords in England disappeared ( Hartman 235 ) . You could see that the Black Death shook the full agricultural and commercial construction of the West ( Graies 226 ) . The lessening of building in the fourteenth century could be seen along with the cathedrals started in the 12th and 13th centuries and neer finished because of the pestilence ( Durant 894 ) . The effects on the hereafter were non every bit bad as the effects the fourteenth century people experienced. The European population steadily declined after 1350 for the following century ( Gottfried xiii ) . It is said that # 8220 ; chronic depopulation characterized the 14th and 15th centuries # 8221 ; ( Gottfried xiii ) . In 1351, it was calculated that the entire figure of dead in Europe was about 23, 840,000 people ( Gottfried xiii ) . That is a great lessening sing that there were an estimated 75,000,000 people populating in Europe before the Black Death struck ( Gottfried xiii ) . There were about no known bars or remedies for the Black Death except a few thoughts that don # 8217 ; T ever aid or wear # 8217 ; t aid at all. Some physicians instructed the sick to remain by fires and to imbibe every bit much as possible ( Zenger ) . One thing that kept the disease from distributing more quickly was maintaining anyone infected with a disease out of the metropoliss ( Durant 1002 ) . After the pestilence had become highly serious, the town # 8217 ; s people exterminated the old black ship rat that carried the disease ( Rowse 29 ) . This was there last effort at acquiring their old lives back, but it was excessively late for that. Aren # 8217 ; t you glad we are populating in the twentieth century, and non the fourteenth century! ? The Black Death surely had one of the greatest effects on the universe in all countries, and was besides one of the greatest alterations for the people of the Middle Ages. If we want alteration in our lives, does it ever have to be the bad things that bring us back into world? I should hope non. It seems that bad or cheerless state of affairss give us a appreciation on what is truly of import in our day-to-day lives, and that is what we all need. Bibliography Durant, Will. The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950. Graies, Joseph and Frances. Life in a Medieval City. New York: Harper and Row, 1969. Gottfried, Robert. The Black Death. New York: The Free Press, 1983. Hartman, Gertrude. Medieval Days and Ways. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. Hoyt, Robert and Stanley Chodorow. Europe in the Middle Ages. New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc. , 1976. Norwich, John. Britain # 8217 ; s Heritage. New York: The Continuum Publishing Company, 1983. Rowse, A.L.. The Story of Britain. Great Britain: British Heritage Press, 1979. Strayer, Joseph and Dana Munro. The Middle Ages. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1959. Zenger. The Black Death. California: Timeline Series, 1989.
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