Saturday, August 31, 2019
Rational Choice Theory
In game theory, bounded rationality is a concept based on the fact that rationality of individuals is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make decisions. This contrasts with the concept of rationality as optimization. Another way to look at bounded rationality is that, because decision-makers lack the ability and resources to arrive at the optimal solution, they instead apply their rationality only after having greatly simplified the choices available.Thus the decision-maker is a satisficer, one seeking a satisfactory solution rather than the optimal one. Some models of human behavior in the social sciences assume that humans can be reasonably approximated or described as â€Å"rational†entities (see for example rational choice theory). Many economics models assume that people are on average rational, and can in large enough quantities be approximated to act according to their preferences.T he concept of bounded rationality revises this assumption to account for the fact that perfectly rational decisions are often not feasible in practice due to the finite computational resources available for making them. [edit] Models of bounded rationality The term is thought to have been coined by Herbert Simon. In Models of Man, Simon points out that most people are only partly rational, and are in fact emotional/irrational in the remaining part of their actions.In another work, he states â€Å"boundedly rational agents experience limits in formulating and solving complex problems and in processing (receiving, storing, retrieving, transmitting) information†(Williamson, p. 553, citing Simon). Simon describes a number of dimensions along which â€Å"classical†models of rationality can be made somewhat more realistic, while sticking within the vein of fairly rigorous formalization. These include: limiting what sorts of utility functions there might be.recognizing the costs of gathering and processing information. the possibility of having a â€Å"vector†or â€Å"multi-valued†utility function. Simon suggests that economic agents employ the use of heuristics to make decisions rather than a strict rigid rule of optimization. They do this because of the complexity of the situation, and their inability to process and compute the expected utility of every alternative action. Deliberation costs might be high and there are often other, concurrent economic activities also requiring decisions.Daniel Kahneman proposes bounded rationality as a model to overcome some of the limitations of the rational-agent models in economic literature. As decision makers have to make decisions about how and when to decide, Ariel Rubinstein proposed to model bounded rationality by explicitly specifying decision-making procedures. This puts the study of decision procedures on the research agenda. Gerd Gigerenzer argues that most decision theorists who have di scussed bounded rationality have not really followed Simon's ideas about it.Rather, they have either considered how people's decisions might be made sub-optimal by the limitations of human rationality, or have constructed elaborate optimising models of how people might cope with their inability to optimize. Gigerenzer instead proposes to examine simple alternatives to a full rationality analysis as a mechanism for decision making, and he and his colleagues have shown that such simple heuristics frequently lead to better decisions than the theoretically optimal procedure.From a computational point of view, decision procedures can be encoded in algorithms and heuristics. Edward Tsang argues that the effective rationality of an agent is determined by its computational intelligence. Everything else being equal, an agent that has better algorithms and heuristics could make â€Å"more rational†(more optimal) decisions than one that has poorer heuristics and algorithms.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cypriot Banking Crysis Scr
CY â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [ ] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- CSR essay Kozhevnikova E. , Sadokhina A. , Yatisyshina P. [ ? . . ] The problem2 Time-line2 Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:4 Moral Dilemmas4 The problem The current crisis of banking system in Cyprus had raised difficult moral dilemmas for Cypriot government, members of Euro Union and other affiliated governments.Cypriot banks became unable to secure the deposits due to several reasons: the Greek crisis, crisis in real estate sector. It provided relatively high income on deposits, which is always associated with risky investments. The macroeconomic situation in the world only worsened the situation. To sum up, the some of the banks simply lost the money of the depositors. In this case, the problem o f allocation of losses appeared. Who should bear the losses for the mistakes made by Cypriot banks, which were aggravated by the multiple unfavorable circumstances?The depositors who brought their money to banks? All of them? Prosperous European countries? We should remember, that the ones who are in charge of this situation simply can’t cover that costs (banks have no liquid assets cover the losses). In this paper we discuss the impacts of different possible solutions of this problem from the point of ethics theories. We start we describing the background of the problem including time-line of facts, the reasons for crisis of Banking System, than we move on to reviewing different options of how to save Cypriot economy using theories of ethics.Time-line * 14-15 March – EU-summit as a result of which was reaching the deal between Cyprus Euro Zone and IMF (International Monetary Fund) for a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Cyprus imposes a one-off levy of 6,75% t o insured deposits (under 100 000 Euro) and 9,9% to uninsured deposits (over 100 000 Euro). So that Cyprus will provide 5,8 billion Euros to secure the 10-billion bailout. * March 16 – first day of Cyprus Bank closure after the government announced Bank holidays. The idea of imposing a tax on ordinary depositors resulted in mass protest-demonstration of Cypriots, citizens also protested against Germany dictating such hush conditions. It had also caused anxiety in other countries – for setting such an extraordinary and threatening precedent. * March 19 – the Cyprus Parliament rejects a 10 billion Euro bailout package (lawmakers voted 36 against 19 abstaining) arguing that it is unacceptable to take money from regular account holders.The chairmen of the Cyprus Investor Association said Parliaments’ rejection of the deal  «will buy us some time to see if we can come up with a better agreement » * The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades proposed to mak e an exception for deposits with less that 20 000 Euros to calm the public, but that didn’t work out either * The failed vote intensified the relationship between Cypriot government and EU. Cypriots accused EU for pressing them to accept an unacceptable deal that heats ordinary savers and pensioners.In return, German officials and IMF stated that they didn’t force Cypriot government to impose the deposit on depositors but that one way or another the country must come up with the rest 5,8 billion Euros to secure the bailout. * The next step included testing to which extent Russia would be willing to assist Cyprus in this difficult situation. Investments of Russian depositors accounted for about 20 billion Euros in Cypriot banks, so Russia is for sure an affiliated party.Russian officials reacted furiously to the proposed tax deposit bank * March 22 – Cyprus adopted legislation that allows the government to split the Cypriot lenders into good banks and bad banks a nd creates resolution framework to wind down banks. * March 24 – a new bailout deal between Eurozone and Cyprus. Cyprus will get a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Laiki (Popular) Bank, the second largest bank in Cyprus will be wound down.The deposits under 100 000 Euros will be fully compensated by the government, the depositors with more than 100 000 Euros on their accounts will face extremely huge losses. In this case Cyprus successfully avoided being excluded from EU, which occurred to be highly probable. What is more, this solution pensioners and clients with small deposits (which mean with low income level) won’t be affected, so the anger of the public will be reduced. Finally, two biggest Banks will be restructured: Laiki Bank will be wind down, Bank of Cyprus will capitalize at the expense of it’s clients; insured deposits of Laiki Bank will be transferred to Bank of Cyprus, owners of uninsured deposits of Laiki Bank will lose up to 80% of their deposits; 37,5% of uninsured deposits of Bank of Cyprus are transferred into stocks of Bank of Cyprus which actually cost nothing, 22,5% will be frozen so clients have no right to use that sums of money.In this case the costs of bank mistakes lay down on clients with deposits over 100 000 Euros. By the way, most of such clients are Russian (Russian investments in Cypriot bank sector are estimated 26 bn Euro, they exceed Cypriot GDP which is around 18 bn Euro). Russians were happy to use Cyprus as an offshore – due to double taxation agreement. This was a place where nobody asked where that money came from. At the same time EU and Cyprus were happy to transfer the costs to Russian depositors by expropriating their depsits.Is it ethical? Not the easiest question to answer One more concerning fact: . ? 1 15 ( ) ? . , ? . , . ? ? . - - ? . - Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:The Greek financial crisis had put in danger the stabil ity of all Eurozone. But the greatest impact was imposed on Cyprus due to their strong economic and financial bonds. Cyprus's banking sector was affected the most. It became quite clear that banking system of Cyprus is in danger a couple of years ago. Stavrakis -the Finance Minister of Cyprus said:  «We are a small country and most importantly, we have a banking system which has invested heavily in Greek bonds ». Nevertheless, the minister assured that Cypriot anking system was safe and sound, that it had a strong capital base and that there was a huge inflow of foreign deposits which helped to stabilize the situation. Anyway, the prime reason of crisis in Cypriot banking sector is cancellation of Greek bonds. It was not a secret that Cypriot banks invested heavily in long-term Greek bonds, so when a default in Greece was announced and it was stated that Greece is not going to fulfill its bonds obligations, and, as a result, the trust in Cypriot banks declined. As the trust in banks decline, depositors tend to take back their money.But this is a trap: something happens in the banking industry, depositors leave, at the same time a lot of bank assets are frozen in long-term obligations. Theoretically, the bank has or practically has enough assets to return everything to clients, but these assets are not liquid, so at the moment when clients start to panic and claim for their money, the bank is under threat of running out of liquid assets to pay to clients. This can happen to any bank, even the most reliable one. The moment panic begins – the bank is under great threat.This is why laws that don’t allow taking back deposits at any moment may be quite reasonable. Here is a breath summary of reason of Cypriot banking sector crisis: * Huge investments of Cypriot banking sector in Greek default economy =; sufficient losses and asset write-downs of Cypriot banks * A strong offshore orientation of Cypriot economy: total sum of deposits heavily exce ed GDP * As a result the government (does it have to? ) is not able to compensate the losses of depositors * Unfavorable macroeconomic situation in EU and world The fact that Cypriot banks haven’t revalued their assets for a long time, so the assets were overestimated * And many other reasons that we will understand 20 years after Moral Dilemmas Here is a list of moral dilemmas occur in such a complicated situation: 1) Who should bear the risk of bank bankruptcy? Government/all customers/the richest customers/other countries’ governments/†¦ 2) Can expropriation be ethical? 3) 4) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424127887323605404578384331402208120. html [ 2 ]. http://www. nytimes. om/2013/03/20/business/global/cyprus-rejects-tax-on-bank-deposits. html? _r=0 [ 3 ]. http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-europe-21916102 [ 4 ]. http://lent a. ru/news/2013/03/25/threat/ [ 5 ]. http://somo. nl/dossiers-en/sectors/financial/eu-financial-reforms/newsletter-items/issue-17-march-2013/innovative-approach-in-cyprus-bailout [ 6 ]. http://www. cyprusnewsreport. com/? q=node/4239 [ 7 ]. http://www. mondaq. com/x/231362/Financial+Services/The+Latest+Developments+In+The+Cyprus+Banking+Sector [ 8 ]. http://www. reuters. com/article/2013/03/22/us-column-cyprus-investing-saft-idUSBRE92L0UV20130322
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Formation of a Company Essay
Refers to the entire process by which a company is brought into existence. It starts with the conceptualisation of the birth a a company and determination of the purpose for which it is to be formed. The persons who conceive the company and invest the initial funds are known as the promoters of the company. The promoters enter into preliminary contracts with vendors and make arrangements for the preparation, advertisement and the circulation of prospectus and placement of capital. However, a person who merely acts in his professional capacity on behalf of the promoter (eg lawyer, CA, etc) for drawing up the agreement or other documents or prepares the figures on behalf of the promoter and who is paid by the promoter is not a promoter. The promoters have certain basic duties towards the company formed :- In case of default on the part of the promoter in fulfilling the above duties, the company may :- A promoter may be rewarded by the company for efforts undertaken by him in forming the company in several ways. The more common ones are :- If the promoter fails to disclose the profit made by him in course of promotion or knowingly makes a false statement in the prospectus whereby the person relying on that statement makes a loss, he will be liable to make good the loss suffered by that other person. The promoter is liable for untrue statements made in the prospectus. A person who subscribes for any shares or debenture in the company on the faith of the untrue statement contained in the prospectus can sue the promoter for the loss or damages sustained by him as the result of such untrue statement. II. Incorporation by Registration : The promoters must make a decision regarding the type of company i. e a pulic company or a private company or an unlimited company, etc and accordingly prepare the documents for incorporation of the company. In this connection the Memorandum and Articles of Association (MA & AA) are crucial documents to be prepared. Memorandum of Association of a company : Is the constitution or charter of the company and contains the powers of the company. No company can be registered under the Companies Act, 1956 without the memorandum of association. Under Section 2(28) of the Companies Act, 1956 the memorandum means the memorandum of association of the company as originally framed or as altered from time to time in pursuance with any of the previous companies law or the Companies Act, 1956. The memorandum of association should be in any of the one form specified in the tables B,C,D and E of Schedule 1 to the Companies Act, 1956. Form in Table B is applicable in case of companies limited by the shares , form in Table C is applicable to the companies limited by guarantee and not having share capital, form in Table D is applicable to company limited by guarantee and having a share capital whereas form in table E is applicable to unlimited companies. Contents of Memorandum : The memorandum of association of every company must contain the following clauses :- Name clause The name of the company is mentioned in the name clause. A public limited company must end with the word ‘Limited’ and a private limited company must end with the words ‘Private Limited’. The company cannot have a name which in the opinion of the Central Government is undesirable. A name which is identical with or the nearly resembles the name of another company in existence will not be allowed. A company cannot use a name which is prohibited under the Names and Emblems (Prevntion of Misuse Act, 1950 or use a name suggestive of connection to government or State patronage. Domicile clause The state in which the registered office of company is to be situated is mentioned in this clause. If it is not possible to state the exact location of the registered office, the company must state it provide the exact address either on the day on which commences to carry on its business or within 30 days from the date of incorporation of the company, whichever is earlier. Notice in form no 18 must be given to the Registrar of Comapnies within 30 days of the date of incorporation of the company. Similarly, any change in the registered office must also be intimated in form no 18 to the Registrar of Companies within 30 days. The registered office of the company is the official address of the company where the statutory books and records must be normally be kept. Every company must affix or paint its name and address of its registered office on the outside of the every office or place at which its activities are carried on in. The name must be written in one of the local languages and in English. Objects clause This clause is the most important clause of the company. It specifies the activities which a company can carry on and which activities it cannot carry on. The company cannot carry on any activity which is not authorised by its MA. This clause must specify :- In case of the companies other than trading corporations whose objects are not confined to one state, the states to whose territories the objects of the company extend must be specified. Consequences of an ultravires transaction :- However, the doctrine of ultra-vires does not apply in the following cases :- The following are exceptions to the rule of limited liability of members :- Capital clause The amount of share capital with which the company is to be registered divided into shares must be specified giving details of the number of shares and types of shares. A company cannot issue share capital greater than the maximum amount of share capital mentioned in this clause without altering the memorandum. Association clause A declaration by the persons for subscribing to the Memorandum that they desire to form into a company and agree to take the shares place against their respective name must be given by the promoters. Articles of Association The Articles of Association (AA) contain the rules and regulations of the internal management of the company. The AA is nothing but a contract between the company and its members and also between the members themselves that they shall abide by the rules and regulations of internal management of the company specified in the AA. It specifies the rights and duties of the members and directors. The provisions of the AA must not be in conflict with the provisions of the MA. In case such a conflict arises, the MA will prevail. Normally, every company has its own AA. However, if a company does not have its own AA, the model AA specified in Schedule I – Table A will apply. A company may adopt any of the model forms of AA, with or without modifications. The articles of association should be in any of the one form specified in the tables B,C,D and E of Schedule 1 to the Companies Act, 1956. Form in Table B is applicable in case of companies limited by the shares , form in Table C is applicable to the companies limited by guarantee and not having share capital, form in Table D is applicable to company limited by guarantee and having a share capital whereas form in table E is applicable to unlimited companies. However, a private company must have its own AA. The important items covered by the AA include :- Alteration of articles of association : A company can alter any of the provisions of its AA, subject to provisions of the Companies Act and subject to the conditions contained in the Memorandum of association of the company. A company, by special resolution at a general meeting of members, alter its articles provided that such alteration does not have the effect of converting a public limited company into a private company unless it has been approved by the Central Government. The articles must be printed, divided into paragraphs and numbered consequently and must be signed by each subscriber to the Memorandum of Association who shall add his address, description and occupation in presence of at least one witness who must attest the signature and likewise add his address, description and occupation. The articles of association of the company when registered bind the company and the members thereof to the same extent as if it was signed by the company and by each member. III. Registration of the Company Once the documents have been prepared, vetted, stamped and signed, they must be filed with the Registrar of Companies for incorporating the Company. The following documents must be filed in this connection :- {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Certificate of Incorporation Once all the above documents have been filed and they are found to be in order, the Registrar of Companies will issue Certificate of Incorporation of the Company. This document is the birth certificate of the company and is proof of the existence of the company. Once, this certificate is issued, the company cannot cease its existence unless it is dissolved by order of the Court. IV. Commencement of Business A private company or a company having no share capital can commence its business immediately after it has been incorporated. However, other companies can commence their activities only after they have obtained Certificate of Commencement of Business. For this purpose, the following additional formalities have to be complied with :- If a company has share capital and has issued a prospectus, then :- {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Once the above provisions have been complied with, the Registrar of Companies grants â€Å"Certificate of Commencement of Business†after which the company can commence its activities
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Grocery gateway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Grocery gateway - Essay Example In addition, there is the value of chain, a description of the supply chain, competitors, and competition strategy. Lastly, there are various Information Communication Technology tools and components used by the business. Grocery Gateway This is a business located in Canada and consists of a group of entrepreneurs. The main reason for the business was that because people recover things, it is worth establishing a business and combine ideas to accomplish various goals. Longo Brothers Fruit Market Inc is a family, which dominates the actions in Grocery Gateway. They are the employees of the business whose primary aim at maximizing profits and distributing it to all family members. It looks forward to increase the number of registered customers. It offers online services to improve the entire process. The main business involves rental trucks that were few at the start of the business. Grocery Gateway offers transportation services to its consumers (Tallevi, 2013). Description of the sup ply chain in Grocery Gateway Selling of products from the business to the consumers requires a better chain of supply. This is vital to maintain the profits and ensure that the sales do not decrease. Tallevi (2013) indicates that Grocery Gateway sells its products through online engines. There is an established Web site online, which is responsible for ensuring that the necessary information is available to all willing buyers. This is also necessary for growing businesses within a society. Competitors to Grocery Gateway For the running of any business, there must be competition from other businesses offering similar products and services. Competition helps business entrepreneurs to scrutinize the services and products in such a manner that they will of a higher quality as compared to those of the competitors. The competitors to Grocery Gateway business are principally the supermarkets. Most of the supermarkets offer products same as those sold by Gateway Grocery. This creates an env ironment where all entrepreneurs have to meet their set targets. This then calls for strategies that when used, Grocery Gateway will not operate under a negative effect of the competition (Tallevi, 2013). Strategies used by Grocery Gateway to compete Desire for an improvement in the business operations is significant in that it determines the effectiveness of the business. For instance, Grocery Gateway aims at integrating and coordinating several services with intent to have unified web site tasks. Longo Brothers being aware of what the business requires to fit in the business world turns to various systems to increase efficiency in route selection (Tallevi, 2013). Gateway strives though to an increased number of customers, who are the determinants of the sales made per day. There is online registration, which is the best and quicker way of registering buyers. Another way of hindering a negative result of competition as depicted by Gateway is through the opening hours. This is impor tant especially for late night operation. Longo Brothers through online communication stated that the grocery operates under a twenty-four hour basis. This is significant in ensuring there is unlimited number of customers. Importance of the competition strategies Strategies applied by entrepreneurs are the determinants of the survival of the business within the market. For instance, improved customer relations leads to an increase in the number of potential buyers, which is a major source of
Searches and Seizures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Searches and Seizures - Essay Example A search usually occurs when an expectation of privacy that is considered by the society as reasonable is infringed by a government employee. A seizure is the interference of the possessory interest in property of a person. The Fourth Amendment protects a person against any search and seizure which that violates their reasonable expectation of privacy (LaFave, 2004). A reasonable expectation of privacy exists if one expects privacy and if the expectation is thought to be legitimate by the entire society. The Fourth Amendment Mary Ellis was awakened on Saturday morning and finds her neighbor Mr. Clyde Stevens lying unresponsive on the floor. She calls 911 and the police and EMS personnel arrived minutes later and Mr. Stevens is pronounced dead from a large butcher knife in his back. Crime scene investigators then started investigating William’s bedroom as the crime scene without any search warrant. The investigations started shortly after the arrival of the police officers. The investigators took charge of the investigation and conducted an exhaustive warrantless search on the Mary Ellis apartment which included development of blood fingerprint, photographing the print and recovery of a blood sample of William for a DNA analysis. The Fourth Amendment prohibits any government official from searching a home without any warrant which must include specific information like the name and address of the person. The Fourth Amendment requires all searches and seizures to be reasonable. If the search and seizure are declared unreasonable, then the police cannot use the evidence obtained from the search and seizure in criminal trials. Warrants are issues under a probable cause which should be supported by Oath or Affirmation which describes the place to be searched and the persons and things that need to be seized (Chamelin, 2003). A judge can only find a probable cause though the examination of the totality of all the circumstances presented. However, the police ca n enter a private residence without a warrant if an officer enters a building or a place of residence to assist in any form of emergency if the officer receives consent to search the residence without a warrant, if an officer has placed the person under arrest and if the search is administrative in nature which is done for the purposes of law reinforcement. The police can also enter a private residence without a warrant if they suspect that the house harbors a person carrying or in control of firearms illegally and are not in proper control of the arm and may injure or kill a person as a result of their mental condition (LaFave, 2004). They also enter a private residence without a warrant if they have a reasonable ground to suspect a firearm offence if the house contains illegal drugs and if someone in the house is at large after escaping from prison. The legal rights of the police to access the Ellis household The search done on Ellis household is not constitutionally permissibl
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What are the main features of British conservatism Essay - 2
What are the main features of British conservatism - Essay Example In chorus, the ideology of a well- established central governing authority that was proposed by early traditional conservatives became an important aspect of the liberal mind. Secondly, there exists an internal heterogeneity in the political philosophy of conservatism that entails a number of aspects but is summarized under one feature that is the stabilization and justification of strong social structures. Those that bear the ideology of conservatism are the social groups and classes that concentrate on preserving the customary social order or its establishment. There are two philosophical formations in the structure of conservatism. One focuses on the opposing political trends and forces while the other focuses on preservation of the social structure in its original form. In this situation conservatism is a political philosophy that justifies the present order and appeal to the lost (Clarke, 1996:18). Various directions of conservatism share common features. For instance, the existence of well- established social structures and institutions, recognition of global morals and religious beliefs, belief in the natural equality of men, the flawed human nature and the limited capabilities of the human mind. Many individuals consider British conservatism as a British national characteristic that is likened to everything English. Conservatism is characterized by the highest expression and perfection and it is basically a conventional political ideology in Britain. The English parliament is known to have come up with a number of political definitions such as the popular difference between right and left (Clarke, 1996:78). British conservatism understands that human nature is imperfect for political institutions and is implemented in the following important approaches. Firstly, the mentality of conservatism is the same as that of traditionalism. Secondly, preference of incremental is radical changes.
Monday, August 26, 2019
War on Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
War on Terrorism - Essay Example President Bush’s war on terrorism is counterproductive because it seems that the cost of freedom from terror is the freedom of privacy, It is questionable as to what the war on terrorism actually is. The Encyclopedia Britannica (n.d.) defined war as, â€Å"A conflict among political groups involving hostilities of considerable duration and magnitude†(War). Bush stated that war was declared on terrorism, but no specific countries or political groups were actually named in the declaration. The fact there were no specific guidelines set at the declaration of war has lead many to wonder if Bush’s war on terror is even legal. Now, in 2006, Bush’s continuing campaign leads many to wonder is this war on terrorism is to be a repeat of the Vietnam War. U.S. President Bush has utilized a series of legal loopholes and political strategies to keep a legally questionable war and freedom infringing policies going for almost 5 years. Lovinger and Scott (n.d.) stated that Bush’s war is illegal because: If so many aspects of Bush’s war on terrorism are illegal, how does he get away with it? Even though the Bush administration refers to its acts as part of the War on Terrorism, the campaign is not technically a war, but rather a Use of Force Resolution. The key difference in these two terms is the president’s ability to extend military force. In an article from Slate, Lithwick (2001) described the difference as, â€Å"While the wide-open wording of the joint resolution appears to give congressional approval to any act of war undertaken by President Bush, it contains several important checks on his powers†(What Sort of War, n. pag.). These checks were put in place to prevent a repeat of the Vietnam War by requiring the U.S. President to confer with Congress when implementing any new military actions. Before going into the details describing any negative impacts of the War on Terror, it is important to note that if there were no positive aspects, the U.S. would
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The relationship between discrimination and economics Research Paper
The relationship between discrimination and economics - Research Paper Example ls of Thomas Sowell (1983) and Walter Williams (1982), Majewsky suggested that markets minimize discrimination and state intervention that retards economic progress of racial and cultural minorities. Several myths were presented against historical examination as follows: Myth 1: Discrimination leads to poor economic performance by an ethnic group. Fact: Considered as axiomatic, the myth mentioned contradicts historical examples. Discriminated groups like the Chinese were despised in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, but today, they control about 70 to 85% of retail in said countries (Majewski, 1988). This, too, can be said of Jews in the West. â€Å"From the Roman Empire, through the Middle Ages to the Nazi holocaust, the Jews have endured more religious persecution than any other ethnic minority,†but through hard work, entrepreneurship and education, were able to prosper in most areas around the globe (Majewski, 1998, 23). The second myth was that p oor economic performance by an ethnic group was attributed to discrimination. In reality, low income below national average and poor representation in professional occupations among ethnic minorities are prevalent throughout the world. This may not be easily attributed to current practices of discrimination as Majewski (1998) suggested. Another factor that has placed minorities to their marginal status includes banishment from the lands they occupied by colonizers which in turn have given the occupied lands as well as established businesses to their heirs. In this argument, Majewski (1988) presented the different performance levels of three black groups: descendants of immigrants from the West Indies, descendants of free persons of color, and descendants of slaves freed during the Civil War. Among... This paper presents careful consideration of the discrimination problem, of the theories and the economics of discrimination. The factors that affect or influence the prevalence of the practice of discrimination are being considered in the paper. Throughout history, many points of views about understanding the economics of discrimination have been forwarded. Economically, discrimination is a practice to maintain economic status of those who are dominant. They practice discrimination to sustain their advantage. However, current global market conditions now provide many individuals and non-dominant classes bigger chance at performing better economically. Policy should now focus on empowering more individuals to become better economic performers. In many countries especially the democratic ones, the various rights and prerogatives of individuals are protected by laws so that preferences in many matters may not be legally questioned. Many practices and choices of an individual are attributed to his rights and privileges. Where pure discrimination is practiced, employers may be offered lower wages by the workers discriminated upon. When this happens, the minority wage will be lower at first but eventually, the market process with equalize their wage rates. Employers that hire minority workers at lower wage will make above-average profits. This will attract new firms in the industry that will hire the minority workers at slightly higher offers in order to attract them. This will even out the wage disparity over time
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Comparison of Tate Modern and Saatchi Gallery Essay
Comparison of Tate Modern and Saatchi Gallery - Essay Example The essay "Comparison of Tate Modern and Saatchi Gallery" compares two galleries and analyzes success and failure of them. Saatchi Gallery on the other hand, failed mainly due to poor choice of locations and art displays, inadequate architectural design and conversion of former industrial buildings.The Tate Modern gallery was constructed in a building that was formerly a disused power station. The designer of the original Bankside station was Sir Giles Gilbert Scott and it was built between 1947 and 1963. The western half of the structure was built with a chimney in 1952, while the eastern part of the building started operations in 1963. The power station was closed in 1981 as oil prices rose, because it was no longer economical to generate electricity through this method. Tate got an option on the site in 1981, which it exercised in 1994 and during this period, the building continued to remain unoccupied. Tate however, saw the potential in the now redundant Bankside power station; i t offered several advantages such as an enormous building with a large amount of available space, an architecturally superior construction proximity to historical sites such as St. Paul’s Cathedral and the rebuilt Globe theatre. The process of creating Tate Modern started in May 1994, when the Tate gallery in London Announced that it would be creating a huge new gallery for the specific purpose of exhibiting modern international works of art. As Sabbagh points out, the project appeared to be doomed.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Social and environmental sustainability vs Financial sustainability Essay
Social and environmental sustainability vs Financial sustainability - Essay Example The differences among social as well as environmental sustainability and financial sustainability can be resolved based on the different views. Social economic is also essential for the purpose of doing a business properly and improve economic growth of businesses. In the recent trends, there is a huge scope for a business. Sustainability can also be defined as the long-term growth economically, financially, environmentally and socially (IFC, 2012). In this context, the paper deals with the implications of the differences among social as well as environmental sustainability and financial sustainability in two ways such as the ways through which they can operate their business properly and also can report on their activities. In addition, it intends to explain how these differences can be reconciled or resolved along with the major obstacles for reconciling different views. Social and environmental sustainability is different from financial sustainability based on going concern of the accountants. Social and environmental sustainability is important to prevent the issues related to social and environmental aspects and on the other hand, financial sustainability is essential to prevent financial issues in a business. In a business, there are several factors, which play an important role for the development of a business. Social sustainability helps to support the future generation to maintain a healthy as well as well-being society and community (IFC, 2012). Environmental sustainability can be described as the process through which demands of an environment can be attained. Environmental sustainability is also important to reduce the negative impact of the business and to take effective decisions regarding the business purpose and also for the improvement of the natural environment. On the other hand, financial sustainability means long-term
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Professional Juries Essay Example for Free
Professional Juries Essay Abstract            Juries represent an essential element of criminal justice system. Professional juries are expected to sharpen the power of trial presentation. To implement professional juries, the criminal justice system will need to overcome several obstacles. Professional juries will bring objectivity and reason into criminal justice proceedings. Professional Juries            Criminal justice faces numerous legal inconsistencies. Besides ethics and morality, trial representations frequently require legal professionalism of the juries. The implementation of professional juries into the U.S. criminal justice is viewed as an extremely positive phenomenon. Using professional, instead of lay juries will create several significant benefits on the overall system of criminal justice in the country.            Professional juries will take objective professional decisions. Non-professional lay jurors do not want to serve and find the trial to be an inconvenience (Mitchell, 2005). Professional jurors will pay more attention to the proceeding and to their own decisions. Professional juries will carry direct liability for their decisions. The greatest benefit to an admission of liability is the potential to gain an enormous amount of credibility with the jury (Decision Quest, 2008). Professional juries will ground their evaluations on professional legal knowledge. Professional jurors could become proficient at determining which evidence is critical or relevant and which is not (Bruno, 2006). Professionalism will eliminate bias in criminal justice, and professional juries will be available for the criminal justice proceedings whenever the system needs them.            By implementing professional juries, the criminal justice system faces several serious challenges. Using professional peers requires additional financial resources. Professional juries require being paid for their services (Bruno, 2006). Persuasive professionalism may result in complacency and cynicism. Professional prominence can turn the criminal justice into a league of fame once professional juries become widely known (Bruno, 2006).            Juries must be professional. Legal professionalism of the juries is an effective instrument of eliminating bias in criminal justice. The state possesses sufficient financial resources to prepare and support professional jurors. A juror should be a thoughtful judge of each criminal case. Professional jurors will bring objectivity and reason into criminal court proceedings.       References Bruno, N. (2006). Why trust justice to amateurs? The National Law Journal, January 30. Retrieved April 02, 2008 from Decision Quest. (2008). The pros and cons of admitting liability. Decision Points. Retrieved April 02, 2008 from Mitchell, T. (2005). How the jury system should be reformed. The American Daily. Retrieved April 02, 2008 from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hong Kong Fitness Essay Example for Free
Hong Kong Fitness Essay â€Å"We expect to be opening our newest center in Causeway bay which has the largest staff of any center. They will provide the greatest service and suitable advices of gym to our members, helping them get fit faster and stay fit longer. I believe that it would be the best and one of a kind gymnasium in Hong Kong,†said Joyce Ng, CEO of Hong Kong Fitness. â€Å"We are pleased to be the guests of ribbon cutting and have opportunity to visit this 1,000 square-meter gym,†said by James Lane and Betty Tang. After speech, visitors can visit the facilities and join free yoga classes. The center has dedicated areas for training and yoga classes. Visitors can also try advanced electronic fitness equipment out, such as running machine and exercise bike. The newest center provides over 18 training and yoga classes, such as jazzercise, boxing and dance classes, opening 24hours a day, 7 days a week. It is convenient to people who are busy in the daytime. Personal training, nutrition and health care planning, babysitting services are also available. About Hong Kong Fitness Established in April, 2010, Hong Kong Fitness is the most popular fitness club in Asia and presently has over 188 locations in 15 Asian cities. The mission of Hong Kong Fitness is to promote health and wellness in the community. Hong Kong Fitness not only offers a variety of health and fitness programs, but also has advanced electronic fitness equipment in order to helps its members to get fit faster and stay fit longer.
The Process Of Hematopoiesis And How Its Controlled Biology Essay
The Process Of Hematopoiesis And How Its Controlled Biology Essay In humoral mediated response of the immune system, the clonal proliferation results into antibody secreting plasma cells and memory B-cells. The primary response has a lag of about 5-7 days during which the B-cells becomes activated by the antigen and T-helper cells. During the lag period, differentiation and proliferation of B-cells takes place into plasma cells. Antibody level begins to increase and reaches its peak at about day 14 and the drop begins once the plasma cells die. In the secondary response, clonal expansion of memory B-cells takes place and the antibody levels are much higher. These memory cells respond more rapidly to the antigen. Moreover, since many memory cells are present for the primary response, the number of plasma cells generated are more in the secondary response and the antibody levels are higher [2].  3.Briefly describe the functions of the following cells of the immune system; dendritic cells; macrophages; neutrophils; T helper cells. Ans) Dendritic Cell These cells resemble the dendrites of the nerve cells and have a long membrane extensions. They can be either present on the epidermis (skin) and mucous membranes (langehans cell) ; heart , lungs, kidney, GI tract (interstital dendritic cell) ; T-cell are of secondary lymphoid and thymic medulla ( Interdigitating dendritic cell) and in blood and lymph (circulating dendritic cell). They represent high levels of class II MHC molecules. Dendritic cells are APCs. They engulf the antigen by phagocytosis/endocytosis and carry it to the various lymphoid organs where they represent the antigen to T lymphocytes [2].  Macrophages They arise from monocytes. It functions as a scavenger that ingest debris, damaged and dying cells as well as foreign organism. They either contain class II MHC molecules or the co-stimulatory B7 membrane molecules. Once the foreign organism is inside the macrophage, they are either killed by lysosomal enzymes or by O2 free radicals which is released by phagosomes[1].  Neutrophils They are active phagocytic cells and always reach the site of inflammation. The foreign body is killed by the various lytic and bactericidal substances which are present within the primary and secondary granules. They employ both O2 dependent and O2 independent pathway to generate antimicrobial substances. It is better than macrophage since they exhibit larger respiratory burst and express higher level of defensins [2]. T-helper cells- T-cells are formed in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus. There are two types of T-cells- TH and TC .TH cells have CD4 whereas TC has CD8. The TH cells gets activated when the cell recognizes and interacts with an antigen. After it is activated, it forms into an effector cell and secretes growth factors known as cytokines. These cytokines play an important role in activating B cells, Tc cells, macrophages and elicits an immune response. Different types of immune response occurs due to different types of cytokines[2]. 4) What are the two fundamental approaches to drug discovery? Ans) The two approaches to drug discovery are rational drug design and molecular diversity. Rational drug design The drugs work in the body by interacting with the receptor and they alter the activities in such a way that it brings about a betterment of the body. This method uses the information about structure of the drug receptor or create a candidate drug. The 3-D structure of the protein can be determined using methods such as X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The researchers in the pharmaceutical industry can use whatever information is available on the databases and find a chemical compound which can react with the receptor and can be tested in the labs. If the interacting compound cannot be found then other programmes can be used to find the compounds with similar properties to known ligands. This method is done to avoid the expenses. The first drug produced by this method is Relenza which is used to treat influenza. The other drugs developed to treat HIV infections are Ritonivir and Indinavir [3]. Molecular diversity The strategy applied in molecular diversity is the isolation of bioactive molecules molecular libraries such as nucleic acids, amino acids and small organic molecules. The main goal is to isolate molecules from libraries of chemical compounds or proteins and study the structure or shape of their target with the binding with affinity and specificity. The anti-inflammatory mAb Humira is a biolgic isolated from molecular diversity.  5. How does the flu virus infect cells? Give a brief overview of how the flu drug relenza was discovered. (Note : Relenza is not as biologic but a small molecule drug). Ans) Influenza viral particles are surrounded by an outer envelope a lipid bilayer which they acquire from the plasma membrane of the infected host cell during the process by budding. In the envelope the two glycoproteins which are present are Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). HA is responsible for attaching the virus to the host cell. HA is a trimer and it binds to the sialic acid groups on host cell glycoproteins and glycolipids by conserving the amino acid sequence to form a small groove in the HA molecule. Neuraminidase cleaves N-acetylneuraminic (sialic) acid from the viral glycoproteins and the host cell membrane glycoproteins. This facilitates viral budding from the infected host cell. Once the virus is inside the host cell, the HA binds to the walls of the endosome (acidic nature) because of which the viral coating collapses. Within the envelope, matrix protein surrounds the nucleocapsid which consist of 8 different strands of single stranded (ssRNA) and are ass ociated with protein and RNA polymerase. Once inside the cell, the RNA strand encodes one or more different influenza proteins. Many copies of the virus are made in the nucleus and then it moves to the cytoplasm to form viral proteins including HA and NA. The new viruses which are formed move out of the cell by forming buds and moving out against the plasma membrane[2]. Relenza This drug is created by using rational design. The discovery was funded by the Australian biotech company Biota. The structure of neuraminidase was known by X-ray crystallography. A competitive inhibitor which is a sialic acid analogue, is an inhibitor of neuraminidase. The general function of neuraminidase is that it cleaves sialic acid from the virus and the cell surface and prevent clumping and allows the virus to spread to other cells. Relenza induces clumping and reduces viral spreading. 6.What is meant by pharmacogenomics and how might pharmacogenomics be applied to drug development in the future? What is an example of a biologic where patient genetic profiling is used to evaluate the suitability of the patient for therapy? Ans) Pharmacogenomic is the study of the roles of genetic variation in the response to drugs. It includes information from genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and other disciplines such as biochemistry and toxicology in order to synthesize newer and safer drugs. As the sequences of all our genes and the protein they encode for are determined, this will reveal many new targets for drug actions. It also reveals polymorphism of enzymes and proteins related to drug metabolism, action and toxicity DNA probes which are capable of detecting them will be synthesized, permitting screening of individuals for potentially harmful polymorphism prior to the start of the therapy. As the structures of relevant proteins and their polymorphism are revealed, model building and other technique will permit the design of drugs that take into account both the normal protein targets and their polymorphism. In simple words, the drugs will be tailor-made for individuals based on their genetic profiles[4]. Th is is the application of pharmacogenomics in drug development. The example where genetic profiling is used to evaluate the suitability of the patient is ERBB2 is a 185 kDa tyrosine kinase receptor over expressed in approximately 25-30% of human breast cancer .  7. Give an example where over expression of a cytokine results in a disease state. What biologics, if any, have been developed to treat this disease state? Ans) Rheumatoid arthritis is a an inflammatory disease. The major symptom is chronic inflammation of the joints including shoulders, ankles, elbows and knees. It is characterized by the inflammation of the synovium along with the the destruction of the joint cartilage and bone. The over expression of cytokines such as TNF, IL-1, IL-8, IFN ÃŽ ³ have been detected in the synovial fluid. Cytokines such as TNF activate the synovial cells which produce proteolytic enzyme such as collagenase which leads to the destruction of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. The cytokines are produced due to the activity of T cell and macrophage activation. A number of biologics have been approved for treating rheumatoid arthritis[5]. They are cimzia, enbrel, humira, kineret, orencia, remicade, rituxan and simponi[6].  Rituxan Rituximab is sold under the trade name Rituxan. Rituxan is a chimeric monoclonal antibody against the protein CD20 which is found on the surface of B cells. Rituxan when given in combination with methotrexate is given to adult patients with minor to acute conditions who had an inadequate response to one or more TNF antagonist therapies. The side effect of rituxan is that patients show hypertension, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, pyrexia etc.[7] . 8. Interferons are used as biologics to treat viral infections. How does interferon induce the anti-viral state in cells? Ans) Interferons are antiviral and show their effect in a signaling pathway. There are two types of interferons, type I and type II. IFN-I is produced by cells under appropriate conditions including IFN-ÃŽ ±/ÃŽ ². IFN-II are produced by a few number of cells such as NK cells, T-helper cells and dendritic cells. IFN-II includes IFN-ÃŽ ³. IFN-I plays an important role in the innate antiviral response. IFN-ÃŽ ±/ÃŽ ²is responsible for inducing the anti-viral activity by binding to IFN receptor on the cell surface, which leads to activation of receptor-associated JAKs (Janus Kinase) such as JAK-1 and TYK-2. This activates the STATs (signal transducer and activator of transcription) due to phosphorylation which leads to the formation of ISG factor (ISGF)-3 complex which consists of STAT-1 and -2 and p48. After phosphorylation at Tyr701 and 692 of IFN receptors by IFN-1, STAT-1, and -2, there is formation of a heterodimer which translocates to the nucleus and forms an association with p48(I RF-9). The complex (STAT-1 and -2 and IRF-9) is called as ISGF-3 and it associates with ISREs to activate ISGs. The 3 antiviral proteins involved in IFN-mediated inhibition of virus infection are : 1)     The Rnase L pathway which degrades viral RNAs and then activates dsRNA. 2)     PKR inhibits mRNA translation by phosphorylating translation initiation factor 3)     Mx proteins possessing GTPase activity which restricts virus infection at many stages such as primary transcription, transcription and intracellular trafficking of viral proteins or genomes. Thus, interferons induce the anti-viral state in cells[8].
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Employment Discrimination Essay -- Race Racism Prejudice
Employment Discrimination Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to "distinguish between one another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit." Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles. Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they are a victim of discrimination? After answering these questions I will incorporate my own experience on this topic. Employment discrimination occurs when an employee or a group of employees are treated unfairly as compared to others because of their race, age, sex, religion, etc. Employment discrimination usually effects those who are considered the minority. If a company is found guilty of employment discrimination they can be find several hundreds of thousands of dollars. There are 2 forms of unfair treatment that one could experience in his/her workplace. The first form of treatment is done with intent. An example of this form of treatment would be if fellow employees or the employer makes up jokes or slurs about others, which would cause the other party to feel uncomfortable and unwanted in the workplace. The second form of unfair treatment is done a little different. This treatment is done in a sly and tricky way. For example, the employer would assign certain employees jobs that are out of the ordina... ...and asked about the job positions, they were told that they were only looking for a night crew for maintenance. When a black or hispanic person asked about the job positions they were told a different story. They were told that many different positions were open. My friend even over heard a conversation between the 2 people who were doing the hiring, stating that they positions that were open were to only be given to the black or hispanic people. When I heard this I was disgusted. I was upset that I didn't get the job because of my color. As you can see, discrimination is alive and going strong. It is not something that is very easy to solve. It is said that people are prejudged because of their color, age, religion, etc. People should be judged from within not from the outside. It's like that famous saying, "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Role of Paralegals in the Legal System Essay -- Legal Assistant
Justice. It is something that everyone wants, something that we strive for, even something that sparks. However, when we think of lawyers, we think of superheroes with an expensive education, walking into the courtroom and serving up justice. What no one thinks of is the person that helped the lawyer get there, the paralegal that prepares the necessary documents, the paralegal that makes sure his or her attorney is at the right place at the right time. A paralegal is crucial and in some cases vital to our justice system yet they are so often over looked. To understand what a paralegal does we must first understand what the job of a lawyer entails. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a lawyer as â€Å"a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law.†Attorneys generally have around seven years of a college education under their belt, they have the authority to argue their clients case before a judge and jury. Just because a person has a law degree does not necessarily mean that they are skilled lawyers. One could have the best education money can buy but still be a lousy attorney. Practice and careful preparation is needed before one goes to court, but there is still one thing that is invaluable to an attorney. Experience. All of the classes in the world could not prepare one for the nerve that it takes to stand before a judge and jury with your client beside you trusting you to put up a fight. I had the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes action as a young attorney recently prepared for his first trial. What I saw is not what would normally happen but it is something that does happen. This attorney was given about three hours to prepare for his first trial, he had about three ye... ... by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible." However we know that they do so much more. Works Cited "Current ABA Definition of Legal Assistant/Paralegal | Division for Legal Services." American Bar Association. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Green, Regina. Personal Interview. 7 Jan 2011. Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, 5th ed. (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1979), 799. Hooper, Milton. "The Evolving Paralegal Role." Paralegal Today: The Magazine for the Paralegal Profession. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Sands, Ana. Personal Interview. 7 Jan. 2011.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Physics of Speed Detection :: police law enforcement radar gun speeding ticket
Speed detection is one of the most notorious functions of our local and state police. How do they know how fast we are going? Speed determination is accomplished in two basic ways. First, the least sophisticated method is dependent upon an officer's ability to guess your speed. Second, either some electronic method using radar or laser instrumentation authenticates that officer's guess. As you will see, their guesses are usually right on target. What does this mean for you? Usually a speeding ticket or if your infraction isn't a flagrant disregard for safety, a friendly warning. Speed(s) is the distance travelled divided by the total time it took to get from the starting point to the ending point, or: s=(Dx)/(Dt) How does the speedometer work? Your vehicle's speedometer determines your speed by examining the angular velocity(v) of your axle (how fast your axle spins) and multiplying it with the manufacturers' recommended circumference for the vehicle's tires. (This is why using oversize tires will cause your speedometer to register a lower speed than your actual travelling speed-the circumference of the oversize tires is greater than that of the recommended tires, while the angular speed remains the same) So, in application: s = v*2pr Why should we limit our speed? Speed limits are designated for roads based on the roads characteristics such as its geometry and capacity, and traffic characteristics such as overall volume, hourly volume and traffic density. Speed limits are designed to most effectively and safely regulate traffic. There are several methods of manual speed detection, but they are all based on obtaining a known distance and comparing it to the time it took to travel that distance. Officers who have been watching traffic for a long time tend to get a really good grasp of almost instantaneously knowing how fast vehicles are travelling. A table showing an officer's guess along side an inexperienced observer's guesses and the radar results is shown below. Note that Officer Keeler's guesses are all within 3 mph of the actual speed. My guesses tend to have a higher deviation and were sometimes influenced by officer Keeler's guesses if he spoke first. The other methods include using a stopwatch and timing a vehicle on a known distance, either from the ground or in an aircraft, and pacing a vehicle. Pacing a vehicle involves either matching speeds with the vehicle and checking your speedometer or locating distinct markings and counting so that you can again divide distance by time to obtain a speed. Physics of Speed Detection :: police law enforcement radar gun speeding ticket Speed detection is one of the most notorious functions of our local and state police. How do they know how fast we are going? Speed determination is accomplished in two basic ways. First, the least sophisticated method is dependent upon an officer's ability to guess your speed. Second, either some electronic method using radar or laser instrumentation authenticates that officer's guess. As you will see, their guesses are usually right on target. What does this mean for you? Usually a speeding ticket or if your infraction isn't a flagrant disregard for safety, a friendly warning. Speed(s) is the distance travelled divided by the total time it took to get from the starting point to the ending point, or: s=(Dx)/(Dt) How does the speedometer work? Your vehicle's speedometer determines your speed by examining the angular velocity(v) of your axle (how fast your axle spins) and multiplying it with the manufacturers' recommended circumference for the vehicle's tires. (This is why using oversize tires will cause your speedometer to register a lower speed than your actual travelling speed-the circumference of the oversize tires is greater than that of the recommended tires, while the angular speed remains the same) So, in application: s = v*2pr Why should we limit our speed? Speed limits are designated for roads based on the roads characteristics such as its geometry and capacity, and traffic characteristics such as overall volume, hourly volume and traffic density. Speed limits are designed to most effectively and safely regulate traffic. There are several methods of manual speed detection, but they are all based on obtaining a known distance and comparing it to the time it took to travel that distance. Officers who have been watching traffic for a long time tend to get a really good grasp of almost instantaneously knowing how fast vehicles are travelling. A table showing an officer's guess along side an inexperienced observer's guesses and the radar results is shown below. Note that Officer Keeler's guesses are all within 3 mph of the actual speed. My guesses tend to have a higher deviation and were sometimes influenced by officer Keeler's guesses if he spoke first. The other methods include using a stopwatch and timing a vehicle on a known distance, either from the ground or in an aircraft, and pacing a vehicle. Pacing a vehicle involves either matching speeds with the vehicle and checking your speedometer or locating distinct markings and counting so that you can again divide distance by time to obtain a speed.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Motivating workers
Motivating workers is an integral policy of great companies. It has significant effect on the level of output of workers. It affects their disposition to work. Also, it increases company productivity. This can be done through an effective reward system designed in line with the vision and mission statement of the organization. Information needed include DEFINITION OF PURPOSE: It is important to start with a well-defined purpose. This is consistent with the Mission statement of the Company in writing and principle; it is communicated to employees and is also broken into smaller units called Goals. COMPANY INTERACTIONS/COMMUNICATION: this involves a medium through which the system is communicated to participants in clear and understandable terms. Suggestions and ideas are acknowledged on the plan IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE: This is the most important of all. If purpose is then and goals are made with effective communication and there is no credible and fair structure to implement the plans, then the result can be easily guessed: there would be no result at all. REWARDS: It is necessary to state method of rewards. It should be both significant and tangible. Announcement is not enough reward. Such tools that can be employed include by compensation, awards or increase in base line salary. The latter is widely appraised, and is best effective when the incentive is about 25% of the baseline pay. Such should also be done with a short period of time. REVIEW It is important to review the activities of program, it impact on the organization and its vivid dividends at regular intervals. This would sustain and strength awareness of and confidence in the program. WORKERS: Their current Level of productivity is considered. There is evaluation of the Effect of reward on their predisposition on them. Â Â Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Art of Motivating Salespeople
In the workplace, there are many factors that go into motivating salespeople. What interests some, might not interest others. It is vital for an employer to identify with its employees needs and wants and what is important to them in order to effectively motivate their employers and run their company the best way possible. In an article titled â€Å"The Art of Motivating Salespeople†by speaker and author John Boe, he gives the reader his own personal insights on how to effectively motivate a salesforce.The article states that, â€Å"Traditionally, sales managers have relied primarily on commission to motivate their sales force. Unfortunately, a compensation structure based solely on commission does not address separate motivational factors and therefore, commission alone will not motivate your sales force to peak performance. †As discussed in class, there are other factors more important to employees rather then solely commission and money. Feeling accepted by fellow employees or appreciated by the person you are working for are far more important to people than receiving an extra bonus.The article states, â€Å"While money is certainly an important ingredient in any incentive program, it should by no means be the only tool in a managers motivational toolbox. †Once an employer realizes this, they will be able to better communicate with their salespeople and reward them in ways that are both efficient and effective for their company. By discovering employees’ needs, they will be able to develop a program that will motivate their sales people and potentially reach the company’s highest goals.Difficulty lies in motivating sales people due to feelings of isolation and detachment, people working on their own, and frustrations. When developing motivational programs, managers must be able to identify with salespeople's needs. The theory that exists that relates to these needs is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. He propos ed five levels of needs that every individual seeks to satisfy. The theory explains how a person will not worry about filling other needs until the one before it has been filled. The first level and most basic is Physiological Needs.These needs include necessary food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care or good benefits package. The next level is considered Safety Needs which consist of job security, income security, and safe working conditions. Once a person feels this sense of security, they will then go on to fill their Social Needs. For most people, it is very important to feel accepted and have a sense of belonging. In the workplace, one may feel the need to have support and group encouragement. The fourth level of Esteem Needs involves a person having the need to feel recognized.It is important to a person to be given credit when it is deserved and feel appreciated for their hard work. The final level of needs is called Self Actualization. This involves a person wanting to improve and learn new things. It is simply a self development challenge of expanding one's horizons. To fulfill this need, a person may become involved in special projects, participate in advanced training, or take on more responsibilities in the office. Basically, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs helps us to understand the needs of people in the workplace.Finding an effective combination of motivators may be easier if a sales executive understands some of the behavioral factors that affect sales force motivation. The article tells us that â€Å"a successful incentive program is a mixture of awards, recognition, and peer pressure. To encourage sales people to reach their full potential, successful managers personalize incentives. †Mentioned in the article and in class discussion is finding a person’s â€Å"hot buttons†. This term is way of saying what one can do or say to impress another and get them to be intrigued.Salespeople will perform better and put forth g reater effort when the rewards are worth their hard work. Ways to keep interest during an incentive program include publishing standings frequently to show progress and acknowledge achievement during the process. For company rewards and incentives to have an impact on motivation, salespeople must value these rewards†¦ and they must feel that the rewards are worth the effort. A program that involves the reward something as simple as being recognized, such as an â€Å"Employee of the Month Parking Space†is a great way to motivate employees to work hard and bring the company success.The reward is well worth the salesperson’s effort and this gives the them to incentive to do whatever they have to do to reach their ultimate goal. The article reminds us that â€Å"a well structured incentive program pays for itself from increased revenue. †In essence, identifying a salespersons needs and the rewards they value for their hard work is very important in motivating salespeople. Although motivation can be difficult at times, developing incentive programs that are created specifically for a company’s employees are ultimately efficient and effective ways to reach success.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare Essay
In general, Filipinos are known to be food lovers. This results in varieties of recipes that were either borrowed or produced. And among these is one of the most popular Filipino dishes named â€Å"Kare-kare†. But why â€Å"Kare-kare†? What does it possess that others are lacking? Well, to know the reason behind this, let me bring you to the colourful world of â€Å"Kare-kare†dish. From a far, you can feel the heat coming from the pot as the pork leg bathes itself in hot water. It is showered with salt and vetsin. Now, as the pork leg softens and feels comfortable inside, a cup of red, thick atsuete starts to flow around it. And looking like a painter’s colour palette, the golden ground peanut and white ground rice mixed with the river of atsuete, covering the entire pot surface. The tub then becomes more attractive and vivid, catching the attention of Mr. Green string beans, Ms. Banana bud, the leafy chinese cabbage, and the ever elegant purple eggplant to jump over. â€Å"Plok†¦ plok†¦ plok†, you can hear as the nutritious vegetables dive inside the world of â€Å"Kare-kare†. So pleasurable! But wait, there’s more. Accompanying this delicious and beautiful dish is a cup of bagoong embellished with chopped liempo. The tenderness of liempo and saltiness of bagoong perfectly match the â€Å"Kare-kare†recipe which will surely leave you asking for more. Satisfying right? Indeed this popular Filipino cuisine is very nutritious and more colourful. It is original and will not only feed your mind and your stomach, but will also wake up your love for the Philippines. Try to share it with others, perhaps to your family or friends, and I’m sure they will feel exactly the same way as you and I do even while just reading this essay. So what are you waiting for? Stop imagining and start cooking your â€Å"Kare-kare†. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ List of References Del Rosario, M. (2011, November 24). Filipino Recipe – Kare-kare . MM Del Rosario on HubPages. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://mmdelrosario. hubpages. com/hub/kare-kare-recipe Kare-Kare, Kare-Kareng Pata ng Baboy ~ Overseas Pinoy Cooking. (2009, September 9). Overseas Pinoy Cooking. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://www. overseaspinoycooking. net/2009/09/kare-kare-kare-kareng-pata-ng-baboy. html.
The Economic Crisis in America
We are going through a crisis that is sweeping the nation and affecting our people greatly. I will be discussing terrorist attacks; the war in Iraq, the falling housing market, government's bailing out program, unemployment and the natural disasters which have played a key role In the direction our country has taken In the twenty first century. I will provide In-depth examples on how each event has Impacted our economy and social circumstances. Each piece fits together like a puzzle and creates what we now have â€Å"The State of Emergency†.Are entering into what could be known as next great depression? Hopefully our government will act fast and dig us out off this rut that were are headed toward, before it is too late! Over centuries people from all over the world have migrated to the United States for the hope of living â€Å"The American Dream†. This country has stood for inalienable rites such as freedom of speech and religion. These specific rights have attracted m illions to migrate into the United States. Immigrants have been driven here for the opportunity to prosper financially and spiritually.It's for this reason; America has rowan into one of the most powerful countries in the world. Other countries look up to us as an example of how to lead their own countries. Within the United States it's a different story. Since the industrial age started the people of America have become greedy. One of the most common phrases amongst Americans is â€Å"l want my children to have everything, I didn't have†. This mentality has placed our country into a â€Å"State of Emergency'. This country has raised many generations to pose this believe and created a self-centered way of life.Now we have the rich, who get richer and the poor ho continue to get poorer. Since the beginning of twenty first century we have faced one ordeal after another. How has this affected our economy and culture? Let's revisit what has happened in the last eight years. We e lected a new President in 2000 ( George W. Bush), September 1 1, 2001 (terrorist attack), war on terror, war in Iraq, foreclosures crushing the housing market, bank bail out program, unemployment on the rise, and the election of the first African-American President ( Barrack Obama). This is not touching on the natural disasters that our country has faced.Has America en her last days of glory or will she bounce back like she did during the Great Depression? Hopefully, our newly elected President has a plan that will bring us out of this depression that we have fallen into. What will happen next? Is America at the point of no return? If you analyze the past you will find that America was strong enough to overcome it. We had and have the power to bounce back. We need to come together as a country and work together to get through these tough times. Most of the issues we have faced today may not have affected us if America as a society actually believed in teamwork.In public we are taugh t to be a team and in private taught to look out for ourselves. The failure starts with our children. Have we taught our children how to survive in a society like we have today? Actually, the question should be; has society taught the adults, to love your neighbor or the love for self- indulgence? This is a question that we all have to answer for ourselves. Election; That November we elected George W. Bush to be our 43rd President. In 2001 less than a year from electing our new President on the day of September 11 a terrorist attack came upon the United States like a scene from a Hollywood movie.Four planes had been overtaken by members of the terrorist group, AY-Qaeda. One hit the Pentagon, two targeted the Twin Towers in New York City, and the last plane was headed for the USA Capital, when passengers on the plane fought back and the plane crashed in Janesville, Pennsylvania. That day 2,974 people died, 19 more died that were terrorist. We still have not found 24 people and are pr esuming that they are dead. This is not counting the people that were killed in the line of duty, several weeks later they estimated the death toll to be over 6,000 in all.Fear did not Just trite Americans but people all around the world. One of the biggest shocks was, when we learned that these terrorist had been taught how to fly planes here in the USA. The first thing the Government enforced was changing the security coming into the country. Then we went on the offensive and went after Osama Bin Laden and his band of rebels. We sent our military to Afghanistan to find and stop AY-Qaeda (being harbored by the Taliban). First we had to remove the Taliban to get to AY-Qaeda but they are hard to find because they are hidden under cover in the Pakistan Mountains.The economy was affected because New York came to a halt due to the destruction of the fall of the Twin Towers. Wall Street closed down for the rest of the week. Flights were stopped for several days leaving people stranded al l over the country. After this, people were afraid to leave home much less get on an airplane. So many employees lost Jobs because of this act of terrorism not Just in the area hit but all around the country. It also changed our society in so many ways. The trust was gone; everywhere you looked there was a possible terrorist.Fear, anger and outrage took over, but for many sorrow and regret. Never-the-less the one good thing that came out of the attacks was that for one shining moment the American people became one. Now it is 2008 and we are still feeling the pain of that horrible day. The War in Iraq: Then in 2003 we invaded Iraq along with a coalition of other countries on the grounds that we thought they had nuclear weapons (weapons of mass destruction) that Sad Hussein would not disarm and because he was supporting terrorist groups such as the Taliban and AY-Qaeda along with the religious sect the Jihad.The Arab nations looked to Sad as a hero for standing behind Palestine which had been at war with Israel since Biblical times. America kept a close eye on Iraq with apprehension since the early sass's following the Persian Gulf War when the first president Bush was in office. Then on December 13, 2003 the news came in, Sad Hussein was captured. Three years later, on November 5, 2006 he was found guilty by a new Iraqi Government that the USA had helped them to establish. On December 30, 2006 he was executed by hanging.The changing times brought on by September 1 1, brought the American people together and then the Iraqi War really tore the American people apart. American's were seeing a trend happening and were afraid of other countries becoming involved or the start of World War Ill. This scared largest anti-war rally in history; where over 3 million people attended this rally. This demonstration was held in Rome, Italy. American troops are still in Iraq today helping to keep the peace and they will be there for several more years. Housing Market Falls: In t he year 2006 we started to see the housing market shift into a downward spiral.For several years before everywhere you looked you saw a new housing subdivision under development. Then all of a sudden we started to see the same housing sites sitting empty. In 2007 the foreclosures in the housing market started growing at a fast pace. It was amazing how fast so many Americans were losing it all. Everything they had worked so hard to provide for their families was Just disappearing. Then in 2008 it was still moving in that downward motion. More and more families are losing everything. The housing market is still in a downward spiral with no relief in sight for the homeowners.However, the banks that would not help the homeowners stay in the homes are getting help from the government. Many states, such as Florida, had help from the Florida Government to try to keep homeowners in their homes but, this only worked if the homeowner and bank were both in Florida. In 2008 the foreclosures wer e at record highs month after month. This has hurt our economy very badly. The society we live in has changed for this same reason. People have to learn how to adapt to a different way of life. In which, can be hard a thing to master. It is much easier to adapt to a moving up the food chain than down the food chain.This has raised the homeless rate to new heights here in America. Many have had to depend on the welfare system to support them and now have to seek refuge in shelters. Charlene S. Onto wrote in one article in May of 2008 that, â€Å"According to an April 2008 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless, the top 10 states with foreclosures attributed to 73% of the homeless†. These are astounding figures and it shows us that we have a much larger problem than we think. Banks are Bailed Out: The next thing to happen is that the banks and financial intuitions of the United States are in financial trouble.The foreclosures severely hurt the banks. In 2008 twenty-t wo banks have already collapsed. This is even with the bail out package of a $700 Billion dollars. What's next? How is the United States going to heal from this massive loss of financial support? Of course the banks can no longer give out loans to the small business owners; this means many of the small businesses will be the next thing to fall by the way side. Other large corporations are Jumping in on the bail out band wagon like the American Auto Makers.The Government denied the auto industry help, once the press unleashed the truth on how they first need to do their win cut backs. They actually had the nerve to fly into Washington DC in their private planes that cost the company's around $28,000 dollars to make this round trip, when they could have taken a coach flight for under $600 dollars. They are asking for $25 billion of the $700 billion bail out package. What does our 44th President Elect think â€Å"Obama, said he believes aid is needed but that it should be provided as part of a long-term plan for a â€Å"sustainable U.S. Auto industry†? not simply as a blank check. †Now once Obama takes office as our 44th President of the United States and the Democrats take the majority in congress, the Auto Industry might Just get the money they need, to keep from going bankrupt. Yes, we know that if some help doesn't come, our way of life is going to come to a stop. If you are watching the stocks on Wall Americans are Just hoping that soon it will at least stabilize, so that we can work at fixing the problem and to know we are on the right path.Today everyone is playing the blame game and we all need to realize that in some ways we have all contributed to the crisis that we are now going through in our society. Unemployment Rises: Now e know all of the things going on with the economy, but how has it affected the unemployment rate. It definitely has restructured this area. If the banks have no money for loans because the banks are going under, b ecause of the housing market foreclosures that has brought them down. Now we have another problem. Companies are forced to lay off employees in order to keep their businesses going.This becomes the next crisis. Unemployment is rising fast according the Agency for Workforce Innovation. In Florida the unemployment rate has hit the highest it has in fifteen years. It is now at an average of seven percent, but in some counties like Flagler, it is above ten percent. Just about everywhere you go you meet someone else with a story of their company releasing them. Will this affect the housing crisis even more? Of course it will. How is our government along with the people of America going to fix our problems?The main thing we can do is no matter what social class or race we might be is look at the problems and try to do our part to fix it. American people need to stop looking to the government to fix everything we all have a voice and need to learn to use it. Natural Disasters: Over the pas t few years the economy has suffered because of the natural disasters from hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and wild fires. The cost to rebuild after a natural disaster can be soar into billions of dollars. Just look at the devastation this tornado in Oklahoma caused on Mother's Day 2008.Look at Just how big an out of control this fire in California became and how it eats everything in its path. Natural disasters are likely to hurt us in more ways that the rest because it can take over your life so fast and most working people don't have the funds to Just start over. It is devastating to loose everything you have and even some family members. It is amazing to me how our country will come together in these times to help but, in others like the economy everyone Just points the finger. Satellite view Satan 2005 $81. 2 Billion Quickie $27 Billion Wilma 2005 $22. Billion Charlie 2004 $18. 6 Billion Hurricane Strain These are some examples of the cost associated with a hurricane. Alabama F lorida 14 Georgia 2 2 AltaVista 1,577 Mississippi 238 Total 1836 The death tolls are also astounding after one of these storms. You can see in this hart based on Hurricane Strain in 2005 This is not mentioning the 705 people missing. Personal Reflection Unfortunately, I was one of the many who lost their home. It was foreclosed on in September 2007. I lost my Job because my company made a decision to out source position.I had a very hard time trying to find a Job and when I finally did the income wasn't nearly the same. First, I tried to keep my house and my car was repossessed, then because I was already so far behind I lost my house. Things started getting better for my family in early 2008. I found a good paying Job and so did my husband. That summer my husband, who is a heavy equipment operator, lost his Job once the project was finished. Within two months are other car was repossessed. Thank God, my Job was walking distance. What I didn't know was the next day I was going to be laid off.So here I am no car, no Job, no bus route close, and no phone. What was I going to do? I made a leap of faith and I am going back to school. I finally received my income tax and bought a cheap car and Just keep looking for a Job. Hopefully, one will come soon since I am about out of money and will be out on the street and raising the homeless rate by four. I view our country as a great one full of opportunities, but it is in trouble. Everything comes and goes, we Just have to remember that we are strong and life will get better.My hope for this country is that our newest President will have the strength to fight the wrongs that hurt our country and the compassion for the people that really need him. To help those of us that has fallen with the economy. I hope to one day see an America where we are all, actually equal, that social statuses are erased and that economic status shows us how we help one another when we are in need. Personally, I feel that the government needs t o be eloping out the families in America more than the banks and auto companies. For example and they could buy a home and cars that would rebuild the economy.Not to mention the taxes on the money, homes, and cars that would be paid back to the government. People would be off the street and banks would have gotten rid of all the foreclosed houses. It would raise the housing market if people were competing for them. In my opinion, I see a fix that could be better than giving aid to the banks because, they still are having problems after the bailout. Self-indulgence or greed has ruled this country for long enough. I wanted to have it all and once I had it still wasn't enough I wanted more.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
American Jury System
Sahleh Wafayee Judge Brent Carr Court Systems And Practices American Jury System The Court System is the most important of the criminal justice system because it finds whether a person is guilty or not guilty. The United States Court system has provided order and justice for the United States of America. The court system was made to make sure all citizens are receiving a fair trial despite gender, race, color, national origin, or religion. Each of the fifty states has its own state constitution and governmental structure.The court system is made up of laws, statue, and codes. President George Washington signed a law on September 24, 1789 called The Judiciary Act. This law established the jurisdiction and constructed the federal court system of the federal court system and made the attorney general position. The Court system is made up of many laws. The 1st and oldest federal law is the Constitutional law. This law is created in 1787 and is the oldest law. This law is held very high b ecause it cannot be duplicated. The Statutory law is another made that is similar to the judicial law.Statutory laws are made by legal cases, which mean when a judge rules on a case; it becomes law on all future cases that are similar. The Administrative Law is another source of law that is known as the regulatory law. This law governs both state and federal agencies. With these sources of laws in the United States, the regulations have numerous aspects. Common Laws were also created in the court system and were originated in England. These laws were made to be a factor in civil, property, and contract cases. Common law was made by judges through decisions of the courts.A common law system follows the policy of stare decisis. The Court system is made up of many levels. There are 3 structures of the federal courts. The district courts, Courts of Appeals (appellate court) and Supreme Courts are made up in the federal court system. The appellate courts have no original jurisdiction. Th is court hears appeals from district courts and from federal agencies. The Federal Court system is a complex system for trying cases within the guidelines set forth by the United States Constitution and Congress. Federal Courts are imited in the types of cases in which they can preside over. They can only hear cases which involve diversity in citizenship or a federal question. Diversity of citizenship is when there is an issue between two parties who are located in different states but also cases that involve other countries. A federal question is when one of the parties involved in the case has an issue regarding a federal law or statute. Courts are made to find the purpose of their jurisdiction. Federal courts have special jurisdiction over bankruptcy claims against the U. S and duplicated cases.This is the reason why special federal courts are just trial courts with limited jurisdiction. The Federal District Courts were made because it is the biggest class of federal courts that are able to maintain and handle multiple strengths of cases. Because the district court is a trial court you can have criminal and civil cases as long as they meet certain criteria. The Federal Courts of Appeal was developed to relieve the Supreme Court of hard difficult cases. They look at the decisions made by the lower courts and overturn and make a new decision.The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The purpose of the Supreme Court is to make sure that the laws and decision that are made in the United States are constitutional. The Supreme Court protects the constitution and what it stands for. In some situations the federal courts may appeal the case and it is going to get reviewed. State Courts handle cases for residents with inside/border of the state. Inferior/Civil Courts are known as small courts with small jurisdiction. This court is considered to hear minor criminal offenses and disputes between citizens.This can be considered a civil suit between p roperty or anything that has to do with any civilian A Courts of Original General Jurisdiction is where a case is first tried. There is no appeal because the case has not retired. This court is called a trial court because they hear witnesses, receive evidence, and they try the case. Everything that happened in the trial is kept as a permanent record. Every state in the United State provide a state court of appeals, which is called Appellate Courts. People who are dissatisfied with the final judgment or think that the ruling was unfair can appeal their case.Usually the people that appeal are the ones convicted of murder or getting a death penalty. Defendants can always have many rights. They have the right to have a fair trial, represent an attorney, and to plead guilty or not guilty. Defense attorneys can assist clients throughout the trial. The attorney can give advice to the client and help with the prosecution. The attorney can give out all the evidence to drop charges against t he client. Attorneys can give you advice to whether plead guilty, not guilty or no contest.They can also try and reduce your bail. Attorneys recommended trying to get a plea bargain to where you can get a reduce punishment if you know you’re going to get convicted. They can also try and reduce your bail. The main things of the court system are protecting individuals, upholding the law, reinforcing social norms, and resolving disputes. The United States Constitution was written to protect the people of the United States of America from its own government and to protect individual’s freedom and liberties and in criminal cases.The Constitution was made and designs to protect individual’s freedom and liberties. Without the court system the United States would be corrupt and many people would never get a fair trial. The court system is where everything goes to trial to prove whether there either guilty or not guilty. Resources http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jury_tria l http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Appellate_court http://www. littletongov. org/court/rights. asp http://www. wisegeek. com/what-does-an-attorney-do. htm#lbss http://www. attorneys. com/criminal-defense/what-do-criminal-defense-attorneys-do/
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Japan's Dragon Triangle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Japan's Dragon Triangle - Essay Example As you travel on the other side of the globe, towards the Pacific ocean off the coast of Japan, you are likely to encounter a less known, but equally mystical area of ocean, known as â€Å"The Dragon Triangle†more popularly known to the Japanese as â€Å"Ma-no Umi†which literally translates as â€Å"The Sea of the Devil†. A series of unexplainable events, which are beyond the powers of us mere mortals, has led to the development of sensational theories, some of which have even found way into the folk lore of the Japanese people. According to the myth, the dragons live deep underneath the deadly sea and their movement causes the sudden churn in waves, whirlpools, dense fog and sudden storms. While yet others believe it to be the handiwork of â€Å"mikakunin hiko-buttai†, Japanese for UFOs. Various authors, scientists and researchers have attempted to solve such mythical occurrences and reason the popular theories revolving around witchcraft, haunting, demon possessions and wizardry but none, so far, have come close to actually addressing the problem. However, Theodre Schick and Lewis Vaughn, in their famous book titled â€Å"How to think about weird things†, have presented an interesting formula called the SEARCH formula, which is in fact an acronym for the four steps. If we consider the case of the Japanese Dragon Triangle, and study it in the light of the tool developed by Vaughn and Schwick, chances are we might derive some logical conclusions and help clear the myths relating to such mysteries.
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